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8 nifty uses for leftover glass jars

<p>If your recycling bin is building up with leftover jars, scoop them out and salvage them. There are so many uses for leftover jars that you never need crowd out the rubbish again.</p> <p>Here are our eight favourites:</p> <p><strong>Vase</strong> – Leftover glass jars, especially long narrow ones (like the ones tomato passata come in) are ideal for small flower arrangements. Wild flowers or natives look especially good in these vintage inspired vessels.</p> <p><strong>Candle-holder</strong> – Forget expensive candle holders. Small glass jars are excellent for holding your tea-lights. Try different shapes and sizes grouped together for an eye-catching effect.</p> <p><strong>Hold-all</strong> – Need somewhere to store your pens/pencils or even the bits and bobs that make up your sewing kit? Try using a large glass jar. Added bonus? You can see everything you’ve stashed.</p> <p><strong>Drinking glass</strong> – If you’ve been to a trendy café recently, you may have had your drink served in a glass jar. It’s the new ‘in thing’ to do. Why not create the same vibe at home and serve your drinks in your leftover jars? Smoothies especially are great in jars. You can even cap them with the lid for drinks on the go.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Related link: Make your own polka-dot drinking glasses</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><strong>Planter</strong> – If you’re a keen gardener, especially one with a small space to green up, you’re no doubt always on the lookout for planters. Larger sized glass jars can make a beautifully eye-catching display for small plants with succulents.</p> <p><strong>Storage container</strong> – If your jar still has a tightly fitted lid, why not use it to store other foods? Homemade foods like pesto and nut butters are especially good stored in air-tight glass containers while large jars make the perfect biscuit tin.</p> <p><strong>Gift</strong> – Bear with us! While handing over an empty glass jar probably isn’t the best idea, filling a pretty jar with some homemade goodies makes for an excellent gift. The dry ingredients for biscuits, a favourite slice or even something like homemade tea or dried herbs and spices can all be placed in a jar festooned with some ribbon and a card. </p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A guide to homemade candles</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Great uses for Mason jars</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">How to create your own flower arrangements</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><em>Image credit: Shutterstock</em></p>

Home & Garden

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The genius coffee jar hack that will blow your mind

<p>Before you next go to toss your empty coffee jar in the recycling bin, there is one clever hack that might stop you in your tracks.</p> <p>The hack, shared on parenting website <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></strong></a>, reveals how one person found the perfect use for their growing pile of empty coffee jars.</p> <p>Just as Leah Goulis was about to throw her empty coffee jar in the recycling bin, her husband Jerry urged her to stop.</p> <p>“Wait … we can use that!” he said.</p> <p>Jerry then discovered that the plastic part of the coffee jar lid comes off, allowing it to be used as an individual container. The separate small container is the perfect size for sugar or tea bags.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img width="499" height="289" src="" alt="1 (135)"/></p> <p>Excited with her new life hack, Leah announced the tip on the New Mums Australia Facebook group – and her joy was shared by other mums across the country.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img width="499" height="294" src="" alt="2 (77)"/></p> <p>“I vote that this is a HACK! You could also put hummus in the lid and cut up carrots for a picnic in the main bit. Hipster picnic hack!” one mum wrote.</p> <p>“Hack. Now I have to buy Moccona …” wrote another.</p> <p>An impressed mum asked, “I didn’t even know they did that. I wonder if it would still seal effectively or possibly spill out everywhere when you take the lid back off?”</p> <p>Leah confirmed that the lid does seal perfectly again once it is taken off, so there is no spillage.</p> <p>One person suggested that the clever coffee jar hack was perfect to put chopped fruit in the main jar compartment and then put yoghurt in the smaller section to mix later. The coffee jar is also a great size for a salad and the small lid can store the salad dressing.</p> <p>The lid can also be used on its own for sultanas or other small snacks.</p> <p>What are some ways you could use this hack? Let us know in the comments below.</p> <p><em>Image credit: Leah Goulis </em></p>

Food & Wine

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Exploring the ancient Plain of Jars in Laos

<p><em><strong>Justine Tyerman learns about ‘bombies’ and sticks to the path as she explores the ancient Plain of Jars in Laos…</strong></em></p> <p>We stood in Tham Thonghai Neung cave in the Xieng Khuang province of Laos, once home to many families. They sheltered there during the Vietnam war from 1964-1973, and 20 of them died there when US bombs struck their hiding place. </p> <p>A shaft of light shining through an opening in the roof of the cave illuminated a Buddhist shrine erected in memory of those whose lives were lost in the attack. The Kiwis in our small tour party stood in stunned silence as our Innovative Travel guide Fhan explained that Laos had the unenviable distinction of being the most heavily-bombed country in the world, per capita. Our knowledge of Lao history was sketchy at best and most were shocked and moved at what he told us.</p> <p>For nearly a decade, Laos was subjected to intensive bombing by the United States as part of the wider war in Indochina. Xieng Khuang province, being close to the Vietnam border and the headquarters of the Pathet Lao (the Lao communist movement), was one of the prime targets. Bombs fell every eight minutes, 24 hours a day, “like rain from the sky,” said Fhan.</p> <p align="center"><img width="500" height="375" src="" alt="Image 5"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;" align="center"><em>Justine at the Plain of Jars, a vast archaeological site in Xieng Khuang province, Laos, dotted with mysterious 2000-year-old stone urns.</em></p> <p>In another cave, Tham Piew, about 50km away, 374 people died in a US rocket attack.</p> <p>Based on US bombing records, at least two million metric tonnes of ordnance was dropped on Laos between 1964 and 1973. Included in this figure were 270 million submunitions — the bomblets dispersed by cluster munitions — known in Laos as “bombies”.</p> <p>An estimated 80 million, 30 percent, failed to detonate and remained potentially dangerous after the end of the war. Some were dropped at so low an altitude, the fuse didn’t have time to arm, and some simply malfunctioned. These are called UXO (unexploded ordnance.)</p> <p>As a result of extensive ground fighting during the war, some parts of Laos are also littered with other types of UXO such as artillery shells, anti-tank rockets, mortar rounds and grenades.</p> <p>More than 40 years after the bombing ended, UXO continue to kill and maim people as they go about their everyday work. There have been more than 20,000 casualties since 1974.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img width="500" height="333" src="" alt="Image_ (14)"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>The green countryside is littered with bomb craters, a reminder of the pounding the area suffered from 1964-1973.</em></p> <p><strong>UXO incidents</strong></p> <p>Most UXO incidents in Laos are caused by impact — farmers who hit an UXO beneath the soil’s surface while digging, ploughing or planting. Other causes of accidents include lighting fires over hidden UXO, building houses, collecting food from the forest or breaking open bombies in order to sell the scrap metal or explosives inside. Bombies are sometimes trapped in bamboo plants as they grow and explode if disturbed.</p> <p>Children are highly at risk. In recent years, more than 40 percent of casualties have been children. Bombies are the same size and shape as tennis balls, and sometimes bright yellow in colour so they are tempting to play with.</p> <p>Tragically, in this impoverished country where 44 percent of the population live on less than $1.25 a day, many children are involved in the scrap metal trade, most of which is war-related scrap.</p> <p>It’s like playing Russian roulette but they take the risk to help generate an income to buy food in times of shortage.</p> <p align="center"> <img width="500" height="333" src="" alt="Image_ (15)"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;" align="center"><em>Working in paddy fields can be a dangerous occupation in heavily-bombed areas of Laos like Xieng Khuang province.</em></p> <p>There is a strong link between UXO contamination and poverty — 41 out of the 45 poorest districts in Laos are those most affected by UXOs. Many rural communities cannot grow sufficient food for their needs because the land area they farm is too small — but they are frightened to expand it. Experience has told them that ploughing new fields can be lethal. The land best suited to agriculture is often the most heavily contaminated.</p> <p>Communities would often benefit economically from basic infrastructure such as irrigation systems that would help them grow more crops, and roads and bridges that would make it easier to transport and sell any surplus — but the risk from UXO prevents them from building such things.</p> <p>We also visited the MAG (Mines Advisory Group) Centre in Xieng Khuang where our guide Vieng described the work of the bomb disposal teams.</p> <p>MAG, an international non-governmental organisation founded in 1989 with headquarters in the UK, has been operating in Laos since 1994. Working alongside community liaison teams, MAG chooses project areas based on a comprehensive assessment of what difference UXO clearance will make to communities in that area.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img width="499" height="665" src="" alt="In Text Two (1)"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Inside Tham Thonghai Neung cave in the Xieng Khuang province of Laos, Innovative Travel guide Fhan explains that the area was one the prime US bombing targets.</em></p> <p><strong>Land to benefit community</strong></p> <p>This ensures that priority is given to clearing the land most likely to directly benefit the community, and therefore most likely to alleviate poverty. MAG hires and trains members of rural communities and actively recruits women because of their dexterity in handling delicate and unstable UXO.</p> <p>According to the most recent figures, MAG has destroyed 212,455 explosive items; cleared 58,526,823 square metres of land and surveyed 58,482,966 metres of land thereby helping 954,978 people.</p> <p>Needless to say, when Fhan and Vieng told us to stick strictly to the pathways as we explored the nearby 2000 year-old Plain of Jars, we did precisely that.</p> <p>Working in conjunction with UNESCO, MAG has cleared seven of the most important archaeological sites to ensure the safety of both local people and tourists. However, I was not prepared to take the risk. I followed exactly in their footsteps, passing many huge bomb craters that still scar the peaceful, green landscape.</p> <p>The clearance of such a significant site is an important achievement as it will enable the Lao government to apply for World Heritage status. This will boost tourism and reduce poverty by providing more employment for local people.</p> <p>The clearance work has also increased the amount of land safe to use for agriculture, enabling farmers to grow sufficient food to meet their needs and even generate a surplus to sell.</p> <p>At one of the three most important archaeological sites, we Kiwis were immensely proud to see a NZAID sign alongside the UNESCO one.</p> <p>It read “MAG cleared UXO from site 3 in 2005 with funding from NZAID.”</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img width="500" height="333" src="" alt="In Text Three (1)"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>I was immensely proud to see this NZAID sign alongside a UNESCO one saying MAG cleared UXO from the Plain of Jars site 3 in 2005 with funding from NZAID.</em></p> <p><strong>Emotional and sobering</strong></p> <p>While the experience was emotional and sobering, it was also uplifting to see the international community getting behind such organisations as MAG and COPE (Co-operative Orthotic and Prosthetic Enterprise), a rehabilitation service offering orthotic devices, prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs to those disabled and injured by UXO.</p> <p>COPE assists 1000 people a year but there are many who are not even aware that help is available. They struggle by using homemade wooden or bamboo stumps to replace limbs lost in explosions. Our Innovative Travel-Singapore Airlines tour group combined to donate a lump sum to help fund COPE’s work.</p> <p>During our 12 days in Laos, the information enabled me to reflect on, admire and respect the indomitable spirit of the Lao people, who — despite having to live with the ongoing lethal legacy of a war that ended four decades ago — are joyful, positive and incredibly hospitable.</p> <p align="center"><img width="500" height="333" src="" alt="Image_ (17)"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;" align="center"><em>A bomb casing has been recycled as a foundation on this house.</em></p> <p>I loved the irony of their recycling efforts, using war scrap as building materials — turning deadly into useful. We saw many houses propped up on bomb-casing foundations with tank tracks for fences. And outside Meaung Khoun Restaurant and Guesthouse in Phonsavan, Xieng Khuang, where we lunched one day on delicious local dishes, there was a display of bomb art.</p> <p>I’ve never encountered such universal good humour, warmth and cheerfulness. Without exception, we were greeted everywhere with smiles and genuine affection. In response, I found myself beaming all day long. Very therapeutic… and sorely missed when we left Laos and returned home to the somewhat sombre faces of our fellow Kiwis.</p> <p>Have you ever been to Laos?</p> <p><em>Image credit: Justine Tyerman</em></p> <p><em>*Justine Tyerman travelled with <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Innovative Travel</a></strong></span>, a Christchurch-based boutique tour operator with 27 years’ experience offering travellers the opportunity to explore historically and culturally unique destinations worldwide that provide a challenge but with the security of a peace-of-mind 24/7 wrap-around service. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Travel Companions’ Club</a></strong></span> creating new horizons for social travellers.</em></p> <p><strong>Getting there:</strong></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Singapore Airlines</a></strong></span> flies from Auckland to Singapore daily, from Wellington four times weekly, and from Christchurch daily. Singapore Airlines and its regional wing SilkAir operate 139 weekly flights from eight Australian cities to Singapore Changi Airport with Singapore Airlines and SilkAir.</em></p>

International Travel

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DIY blackboard label jars

<p>When we renovated our kitchen, I pored over lifestyle magazines and blogs, coveting their glistening kitchens with their beautiful exposed shelves. Nothing exposes your blocked digestive tract more than your entire kitchen pantry’s contents displayed for everyone to see. So, I recommend a closed cabinet to store (hide) your instant noodles and beautiful, delicious, soft, sugary, white processed bread. But your artisanal legumes? Put those out on display!</p> <p><strong>You will need:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Many clean assorted jars in various sizes</li> <li>Wide paintbrush</li> <li>Blackboard paint</li> <li>Chalk or chalk pen</li> </ul> <p><strong>How to:</strong></p> <p>1. Ensure your jars are clean and free from oil and dirt, both inside and out.</p> <p>2. Take the wide paintbrush and dip it into the blackboard paint. Using smooth strokes, paint a small rectangle on the front of each jar – approximately 7 cm (2¾ in) by 3 cm (1¼ in), depending on the jar size. Allow each to dry.</p> <p>3. Fill your jars and use chalk or a chalk pen to add labels. Display with pride and know that you will never, ever get close to finishing that enormous jar of dried barley pearls. But your friends don’t need to know that.</p> <p><strong>Tip:</strong> Not feeling up to getting out the paint and brushes? Did you know that blackboard contact paper is a thing? Simply cut out labels from the paper and apply them to your jars.</p> <p><img width="173" height="173" src="" alt="Roped In Cover (1)" style="float: right;"/></p> <p><em>This is an edited extract from </em>Roped In<em> by Gemma Patford published by Hardie Grant Books RRP $29.99 and is available in stores nationally.</em></p>

Home & Garden

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Everybody has a story to tell

<p><em><strong>Celeste Frances Scott is well known for her work as storyteller and emotive writer. The stories encompassing her life are inspiring and heartbreaking. In launching the innovative storytelling website <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">Button Jar Stories</a></span> Celeste is on a mission; to preserve one memory, one story in each family, as a legacy to future generations. </strong></em></p> <p>The night my Father died, I met my Husband.</p> <p>My Mother died the same hour I gave birth to my Son.   </p> <p><em>So how do you think you’ll be remembered?</em></p> <p>The brutally honest answer is; when a loved one plugs a memory stick into the latest gadget to download your image. YES. We’re all bound to end up stored on a piece of branded plastic.</p> <p>Hi. I’m Celeste Frances Scott. Writer, Author, Columnist and Creator of the innovative new concept Button Jar Stories where you simply journal one memory at a time guided by my question.</p> <p>We all have stories that have shaped the person we became and like many, mine reads like a book.  Fifteen years a Graphic Designer for a national newspaper; PA to one of Australia’s leading Tourism Visionaries; Consecutive Finalist Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network Awards; long time Columnist for popular Noosa Magazine; Awarded top Female Marriage Celebrant during the decade I was one of the most sought after ceremony Officiants in Queensland; and then just to prove to myself I could, I went out and obtained my Heavy Rig Licence and became a FIFO worker on the Gorgon Project in WA; the most remote and expensive natural resource project ever undertaken in Australia’s history.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img width="499" height="278" src="" alt="Image 1 (9)"/></p> <p><em>Celeste’s father and mother when they were young.</em></p> <p>These days the steel cap boots are off. I’m now a busy Freelance Writer, Guest Speaker and Workshop Presenter. My passion is to enlighten many on how to write their own life stories. Stories you simply MUST preserve for your own posterity.  </p> <p>Let me tell you a little more of my story.</p> <p>My parents were your everyday Mum and Dad, yet they died when their grey nomad adventures were just beginning. Sudden and unexpected. Many of the untold stories in my parent’s life are now gone. As a family, we didn’t journal or preserve them. We always thought we must start that ‘tomorrow’.  My children will never know the incredible people their grandparents were as told in my parent’s words. I know with all certainty those historical stories of our family will become forgotten.</p> <p>My Father was a Printer and Photographer. I grew up with a dark room under our family home. The legacy my Father left, were boxes of precious photos taken over the duration of his life. However, times of taking an actual photograph to hold to heart are gone. The generation of today rarely see a polaroid photo and tomorrow’s generation may not even know what a photograph is. It’s the sad truth. There will be no boxes of treasured photos to leave. There will however be boxes of old phones, microchips and memory cards. For the sake of those precious stories we must go back to basics and use our words to preserve our stories in print on paper.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img width="500" height="233" src="" alt="Image 2 (8)"/></p> <p><em>Family photo of Celeste’s family in younger years.</em></p> <p>You may be thinking, ‘But I don’t have any stories worth preserving!’</p> <p>Let me tell you, you do. How about those stories told sitting on Grandad’s knee. Stories shared around the dinner table. Stories of first loves, lost loves, eternal loves. Stories of new beginnings and endings. Stories in your family of black sheep, skeletons, personalities, legends and heroes. Stories of challenges that have shaped you. Stories of travels and adventures both behind and beyond your garden gate. Your parents love story. The one thousand stories and counting, that made YOU the person you are today. </p> <p>That memory stick will never tell the young man or woman in your future who share your DNA, anything about who you were, what you were, and how incredible the journey of your life was. </p> <p>I vow to change that. One memory, one story and one question at a time and it begins with ‘Button Jar Stories’.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img width="235" height="235" src="" alt="Image 3 (7)"/></p> <p><em>Celeste when she was a baby with her grandmother and mother.</em></p> <p>‘Button Jar Stories’ is a digital interactive storytelling website. Think of it as your personal PRIVATE diary where every day you log in to your private page and journal memories and events from your life prompted by a specific question opening pathways to those memories. There is no timeframe. No judgement. Once completed, your stories can be edited before printed and bound into a beautiful leather book delivered to your door. It becomes a priceless affordable keepsake of you.</p> <p>I created Button Jar Stories as a simple way for individuals or families to journal the stories now of that person whose memories you treasure and don’t want forgotten. It’s a private way to express emotions, feelings and events that are not always easy to talk about in person.</p> <p>‘Button Jar Stories’ is being used by people with early onset dementia as well as those who have faced battles in their life and need a way to express that journey in private and begin to heal. The beauty with ‘Button Jar Stories’ is that the site is loaded with lots of questions that will bring all the important stories and events together. It’s that simple.Journal one memory at a time guided by that question.It’s a lifetime of memories written in your own words. A priceless book of words and photos compared to being saved on someone’s cherry red memory stick.</p> <p>Let me tell you more. Come visit my website today – not tomorrow – at <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Button Jar Stories</a></strong></span>.</p> <p>Thank you for reading my story. Let me help you tell yours.  </p>

Family & Pets

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Easy peanut butter fudge

<p>The perfect combination of sweet and savoury, whip up this treat in just a few minutes and enjoy the bite-sized deliciousness. It will also make a thoughtful gift when packaged up in a jar with a ribbon on top.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients:</span></strong></p> <ul> <li>½ cup butter</li> <li>½ cup milk</li> <li>2 ¼ cups brown sugar</li> <li>¾ cup smooth peanut butter</li> <li>1 teaspoon vanilla extract</li> <li>3 ½ cups icing sugar</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over a medium heat.</li> <li>Stir in the brown sugar and milk. Bring to the boil and boil for two minutes, stirring frequently.</li> <li>Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the peanut butter and vanilla extract.</li> <li>Pour the icing sugar into a large bowl and pour the butter mixture over the top and beat until smooth.</li> <li>Pour into a 20cm by 20cm pan lined in baking paper and chill in the fridge until firm.</li> <li>Cut into squares and serve.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/04/lemon-yoghurt-cake/" target="_blank">Looking for another easy dessert? Try this simple lemon yoghurt cake</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/04/avocado-hummus/" target="_blank">This avocado hummus couldn’t be simpler to make</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/04/salted-caramel-sauce/" target="_blank">Making your own salted caramel sauce is easier than you think</a></strong></em></span></p>

Food & Wine

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British man sells bottles air for over $160 a jar

<p>It seems increased pollution is giving steam to a bizarre ‘luxury’ product. British entrepreneur Leo De Watts, 27, has introduced bottled air to the international market and cities in China can’t get enough of it.</p> <p>In heavily polluted cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, fresh, unadulterated air is hard to come by. De watt’s new business venture, Aethaer, is capitalising on the demand at ridiculous margins by selling natural, fresh air at $160 a bottle.</p> <p>No, it’s not a joke. In fact, since launching a few weeks ago, Aethaer has reportedly sold around 180 catchments of west Britain's country air in 580ml jars.</p> <p>“Aethaer is collected from fresh natural air flowing over a range of prime locations, from fertile lush pastures and wild untouched meadows, to wind-kissed hilltops and heavenly snow-capped mountains,” <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">the website reads.</a></strong></span></em></p> <p>Before you write this guy down as a con artist, don’t worry, he says he’s started this project with good intentions. The company’s ethos states that it is aimed at highlighting environmental issues, and is using original thought to inspire change.</p> <p>“Whether our products are purchased for personal use, as gifts, for decoration, or are utilised as advertised, we hope to be a starting point for conversation that leads to change.”</p> <p>De watts said they would use a portion of the profits to influence policies for environmental change. </p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="">8 kitchen cupboard cures for common ailments</a></strong></span></em></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="">Odd medical advice your mother probably told you</a></strong></span></em></p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="">Catchy songs to beat the Monday blues</a></strong></span></em></p>


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DIY decorative jar lights

<p>These DIY decorative jar lights will add a sophisticated glow to any home – and best of all, they’re so much easier to make than they look!</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">You will need: </span></strong></p> <ul> <li>Clean jars</li> <li>String or yarn</li> <li>Spray paint (your colour of choice)</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">How to: </span></strong></p> <p>1. Wrap string tightly around jar and tie a knot. You can experiment with how to wrap the string around the jar to get the pattern you desire. An idea is to criss-cross and overlap the yarn to get an interesting look.</p> <p>2. Place jars on a covered surface upside down. Spray paint jars with at least two coats. Remember to let jars dry in between coats. Once the jars are completely dry, cut and unwrap string. Pop a tea light into the jar and voila, you’ve got a beautiful decorative lamp!</p> <p><em>Source: Pinterest</em></p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="">How to make silhouette cushion covers</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="">Fun ways to recycle furniture for the garden</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="">DIY cookie cutter candles</a></strong></em></span></p>

Home & Garden