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Should you use your retirement savings to pay off debt? Three things to keep in mind

<p><em><a href="">Bomikazi Zeka</a>, <a href="">University of Canberra</a> and <a href="">Jasmine Kinsman</a>, <a href="">Nelson Mandela University</a></em></p> <p>A host of countries have taken steps to reform the terms under which people can access their retirement benefits. South Africa is the most recent. In 2024 it <a href="">introduced changes</a> that allow access to some retirement savings while ensuring that most of the money is still preserved for later.</p> <p>Other countries that have changed the rules to allow members to dip into their savings before retirement include Australia, Chile, India and Portugal. Changes were introduced to ease the financial strain caused by COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. People across the world are grappling with debt and the cost of living.</p> <p><a href="">Policymakers</a> have considered this an avenue that offers financially distressed fund members the flexibility to access their retirement funds while still supporting long-term retirement savings. Retirement funds are also often the only sizeable savings that fund members have.</p> <p>A recent report by South Africa’s <a href="">Discovery Corporate and Employee Benefits</a>, which represents 3,000 employers that provide pension and provident funds for just over one million employees, found that people aged between 35 and 45 made the most claims to access the savings component of their retirement.</p> <p>When asked what they used the funds for, 24% of members said their withdrawals were for financing home or car expenses. Another 21% of members were using their funds to pay off short-term debt. The majority of members who withdrew their retirement savings were low-income earners (earning up to R125,000 or US$7,000 a year). On the other hand, withdrawals were lowest among high-income earners (earning more than R1 million or US$56,000 a year).</p> <p>This data provides evidence that most low- to middle-income South African consumers are grappling with the trade-off between preserving their capital for retirement and meeting their monthly financial obligations.</p> <p>Given that everyone’s financial situation, goals and needs are different, it’s always best to speak to a financial advisor to assess whether using your retirement savings to pay off debt will be a sound move. But, as academics who have focused on financial planning, we offer three pointers to consider:</p> <ul> <li> <p>understand what you owe, to whom, and what it’s costing you</p> </li> <li> <p>plan beyond paying off debt</p> </li> <li> <p>weigh the pros and cons carefully.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Know which debt to settle first</h2> <p>Debt with a high interest rate often takes longer to repay, because at the start of the loan repayment period, most of the repayments are going towards interest payments – not reducing the capital amount. If you use your retirement proceeds towards this, it could shorten the period that it would take to settle the loan and reduce the interest repayments, which are compounded according to the outstanding loan balance.</p> <p>Short-term loans, such as those with a repayment term of up to 18 months, tend to have higher interest rates. Unsecured debt, which is debt that is not tied to an asset, also attracts high interest rates because they have little to no collateral requirements. Collateral provides the lender with a guarantee of compensation in the event of default. When there is no collateral, the cost of debt becomes more expensive. Using your retirement proceeds towards settling these short-term loans can free up cash that can be used towards settling other debt and will improve your credit score.</p> <h2>Understanding borrowing behaviour</h2> <p>Using your retirement savings to settle debt should be a priority if you have a plan in place to ensure that your overall financial position will improve. Once the debt is cleared, consider how you can use your free cash in your favour. This could mean boosting your savings or acquiring assets and investments.</p> <p>But if retirement savings are being used to pay off debt while you accumulate more debt, this indicates on ongoing cycle of debt. For example, paying off the minimum amount due on a loan but also consuming the balance that becomes available on the same loan is a sign of poor borrowing behaviour. A more extreme example is taking on more debt to service existing debt.</p> <p>Without a change in borrowing behaviour, using your retirement savings to pay off debt will leave you worse off. You will have missed out on the opportunity to grow your retirement savings and you will have got into more debt.</p> <h2>Debt repayments vs retirement returns</h2> <p>When considering withdrawing from your retirement savings to pay down debt, it’s also important remember this will be at the expense of building your retirement nest egg. For instance, if a 35-year-old were to draw down R30,000 from their retirement fund, that same amount could have grown their retirement capital by over R200,000 by the time they reached 55 years old (assuming an investment return of 10%).</p> <p>Withdrawing your retirement savings on a frequent basis could also mean you may need to work longer and past your intended retirement age to compensate for the withdrawals. Or you may need to find ways to supplement your retirement savings through other investments, or consider reducing your standard of living at retirement.</p> <h2>Is this a sound move?</h2> <p>Remember, withdrawal from retirement savings is subject to tax.</p> <p>While retirement may seem far off when there are more pressing financial needs, using your savings to pay down debt has its advantages and drawbacks. Since withdrawals are being used to pay for expenses and service debt, it’s also important to reflect on borrowing behaviours that may need to be corrected. Otherwise, using retirement savings could become a financial crutch that could make your retirement income less secure.</p> <p>Settling debt using your retirement savings should be done after careful consideration and planning. If in doubt, speak to a financial advisor.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><a href=""><em>Bomikazi Zeka</em></a><em>, Associate Professor in Finance and Financial Planning, <a href="">University of Canberra</a> and <a href="">Jasmine Kinsman</a>, Senior Lecturer in Financial Planning and Certified Financial Planner, <a href="">Nelson Mandela University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

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Why we get less narcissistic with age

<p><em><a href="">Ava Green</a>, <a href="">City St George's, University of London</a></em></p> <p>There’s a perception that today’s youth are extremely narcissistic – fame-obsessed, selfish and vain. In fact, studies show this is <a href="">a common view</a> of young people, regardless of the times we live in. But are young people really more narcissistic? New research reveals that, as people age, <a href="">they do tend to become less narcissistic</a>.</p> <p>Narcissism is a complex, <a href="">multi-dimensional personality trait</a>, which captures features beyond vanity and self-absorption. Emerging <a href="">research</a> suggests there are <a href="">three different features</a> (called “dimensions”) of narcissism: agentic, antagonistic and neurotic.</p> <p>Agentic narcissism involves the need for admiration and feelings of superiority. Antagonistic narcissism is characterised by the exploitation of, and a lack of empathy towards, other people. Finally, neurotic narcissism refers to being sensitive and having difficulties regulating one’s emotions.</p> <p>In order to fully understand how narcissism develops, the new study looked at all the three features. They analysed data from 51 longitudinal studies (meaning studies which follow participants over time), all of which measured how participants’ levels of narcissism changed. The researchers coded whether each study measured one or more of three different dimensions of narcissism.</p> <p>To select the studies, the team used the American Psychiatric Association (APA) PsychInfo database of papers, searching for terms including “narcissism” and “narcissistic”. Each article was reviewed by two coders who were not part of the research team. The coders independently selected the studies based on details including sample size, gender ratio, measurement used, and the country in which the sample was collected.</p> <p>This robust procedure generated a large dataset which comprised of 37,247 participants (52% female) ranging from ages eight to 77 years. The majority of the participants were from western Europe, the US and Canada.</p> <p>Overall, the researchers found that all three dimensions of narcissism declined across the life span. There was a small decline for agentic narcissism and a moderate reduction for antagonistic and neurotic narcissism. The rate of change did not differ based on gender, age or birth cohort.</p> <p>Interestingly, the researchers also found that people’s narcissism relative to that of their peers remained consistent over the life span. In other words, people who were more narcissistic than average as children remained more narcissistic than average as adults.</p> <h2>Changing roles</h2> <p>What, then, are the mechanisms involved in people becoming less narcissistic as they go through life? One possible factor is to do with changing social roles across our lifespan. It is important to remember that narcissism exists along a spectrum, with the lower end being helpful (a healthy balance of self-esteem and confidence) and the higher end being unhelpful and malignant (fluctuating self-esteem, aggression and lack of empathy).</p> <p>It is possible that our <a href="">personalities adapt</a> when we make the transition into adulthood – which involves important individual and social responsibilities such as commitment to a relationship, leadership roles, or becoming a parent. After all, it is hard to successfully look after children or managing other people if you are too focused on yourself.</p> <p>Even in old age, narcissism continues to decline. That may be because people tend to follow paths which encourages altruistic values as opposed to egoistic values, such as commitment to their family and grandchildren. By this age, most people have probably also learned the hard way the punishing consequences of being hostile to others.</p> <p>This view is supported by <a href="">other research</a> suggesting that people develop more mature personality features in general over time, including becoming more emotionally stable, conscientious (hardworking and dutiful) and agreeable (kind and altruistic). As narcissism is considered to be the opposite of maturity, we expect, in theory, that features of narcissism (particularly the antagonistic and neurotic dimensions) to decrease across the life span.</p> <p>However, narcissism can increase over time in some people. Research shows that some aspects of narcissism, such as exploitation of others and lack of empathy, can increase when people assume positions of power. This is <a href="">particularly relevant</a> at work and <a href="">in relationships</a>.</p> <p>And let’s not forget that some people are simply just more narcissistic than others. Just because you’re 70 doesn’t mean you can’t be self-centered, it just means you might be less narcissistic than you once were.</p> <p>This may be partly down to genetics, but it may also be the case that certain environments exacerbate existing features of narcissism. For instance, certain parenting styles – including being neglectful, overprotective, and/or providing excessive praise by putting the child on a pedestal – have <a href="">all been linked</a> to children developing narcissism in adulthood, suggesting a good balance is key.</p> <p>It is important to understand more fully how narcissism changes across life. That is not least because we know that it can have a detrimental effects on the individual and the people around them.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><a href=""><em>Ava Green</em></a><em>, Lecturer in Forensic Psychology, <a href="">City St George's, University of London</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Readers response: What is something that has drastically improved your mental health?

<p>We asked our readers to share their daily rituals that make all the difference to their mental health. Here's what they said. </p> <p><strong>Rhonda Searle</strong> - Walking in the bush or along the beach.</p> <p><strong>Jo Balland</strong> - A cleaning lady 90 minutes a fortnight that is part of my aged care package. It’s such a relief.</p> <p><strong>Jules Higginson</strong> - Caring for 18 rescued cats!</p> <p><strong>Jill McNee</strong> - Leaving a toxic environment called work.</p> <p><strong>Maureen James Barlow</strong> - A big social circle, a great boyfriend and getting away into the bush with my dogs in my camper-van.</p> <p><strong>Jan Vickers</strong> - Being myself and not caring what others thought.</p> <p><strong>Ken Bottrell </strong>- Meditation and moving away from toxic people.</p> <p><strong>Christine Van Poppel</strong> - Moving out of the city and back to the countryside.</p> <p><strong>Marlene Hassett</strong> - Adopting my greyhound.</p> <p><strong>Rory Semple</strong> - Eat better, no take out, being active and away from sitting at a desk.</p> <p><strong>David Taylor</strong> - Seventies music!</p> <p><strong>Janice Ann Jensen</strong> - Doing crossword puzzles and line dancing.</p> <p><strong>Di Riddell</strong> - Staying connected with friends.</p> <p><strong>Susan Rough</strong> - Playing lawn bowls.</p> <p><strong>Marlene Paskov</strong> - Gardening.</p> <p><strong>Lois Collins</strong> - Not having to host Christmas anymore and always having a dog or two around. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>


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Even calm people can fly into a rage behind the wheel. Here’s how to curb your road rage – before it’s too late

<p><em><a href="">Milad Haghani</a>, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p>If someone bumps into us on the footpath or in the mall, we’re generally quite forgiving. We instinctively apologise or step aside, and usually don’t scream at, stalk, or attack the other person.</p> <p>But put us in a car, and <a href="">something changes</a>. People who appear calm in everyday life suddenly tailgate, honk, or shout at strangers. <a href="">Problems at work</a> or home can suddenly explode in the form of righteous anger toward other road users.</p> <p>Road rage <a href="">increases crash risk</a>, and victims of road rage incidents often have <a href="">children in the car</a> with them.</p> <p>So, why does driving <a href="">bring out the worst in us</a>? And more importantly, <a href="">what can we do about it</a>?</p> <h2>Road rage remains common</h2> <p><a href="">Recent</a> <a href="">surveys</a> indicate road rage remains common in Australia.</p> <p>In September 2024, insurer NRMA <a href="">reported</a> a survey of 1,464 of its members in two states found many had witnessed road rage incidents such as:</p> <ul> <li>tailgating (71%)</li> <li>drivers beeping other drivers (67%)</li> <li>drivers gesturing angrily at other drivers (60%)</li> <li>drivers deliberately cutting in front of other vehicles (58%)</li> <li>drivers getting out of their car to confront to confront another driver (14%)</li> <li>stalking (10%)</li> <li>physical assault (4%).</li> </ul> <p>Another insurer, Budget Direct, <a href="">reported</a> last year on a survey of 825 people that found about 83% had experienced shouting, cursing, or rude gestures from other people on the road (up by 18% since 2021).</p> <p>And of the female respondents, 87% reported they’d copped this kind of behaviour from other road users.</p> <p>Common triggers for driver anger include tailgating, perceived rudeness (such as not giving a “thank you” wave), and witnessing another person driving dangerously.</p> <p>Aggressive driving behaviours tend to be more common in <a href="">younger, male drivers</a>.</p> <p>Road rage is a global problem, with studies finding road rage remains common in places such as <a href="">Japan</a>, the <a href="">US</a>, <a href="">New Zealand</a> and the <a href="">UK</a>, but the degree varies significantly from country to country.</p> <h2>Who is more likely to fly into a rage on the road?</h2> <p>Some of us are more likely than others to fly into a rage while driving. One way researchers <a href="">measure</a> this is via a testing tool known as the <a href="">Driving Anger Scale</a>.</p> <p>Data from many studies using this test show drivers who are more prone to anger in general are <a href="">more likely to turn that anger into aggression</a>. They get annoyed by more things, are quicker to act on their feelings, take more risks, and as a result, are more likely to be involved in anger-related crashes.</p> <p>Research suggests that while female drivers experience anger just as much as male drivers, they are less likely to act on it in a <a href="">negative way</a>.</p> <p>Female drivers tend to feel more intense anger in certain situations, such as when <a href="">faced with hostile gestures or traffic obstructions</a>, compared to their male counterparts.</p> <h2>What can I do to reduce my road rage?</h2> <p>In a car, we’re physically separated from others, which creates a sense of distance and anonymity – two factors that lower our usual social filters. Encounters feel fleeting.</p> <p>There’s a good chance you won’t be held accountable for what you or say or do, compared to if you were outside the car. And yet, we perceive the stakes as high because mistakes or bad decisions on the road can have serious consequences.</p> <p>This mix of isolation, stress, and the illusion of being in a bubble is a perfect recipe for heightened frustration and anger.</p> <p><a href="">Research</a> suggests techniques drawn from cognitive behavioural therapy may help.</p> <p>These include learning to identify when you are starting to feel angry, trying to find alternative explanations for other people’s behaviour, using mindfulness and <a href="">relaxation</a> and trying to move away from the trigger.</p> <p>The American Automobile Association also <a href="">suggests</a> you can reduce road rage incidents by being a more considerate driver yourself – always use your indicator, avoid cutting others off and maintain a safe distance from other cars.</p> <p>Try to stay calm when other drivers are angry, and allow extra time in your journey to reduce stress.</p> <p>If driving anger is a frequent issue, consider seeking support or <a href="">anger management resources</a>.</p> <p>Avoiding — or at least being aware of — <a href="">anger rumination</a> can make a big difference. This happens when someone replays anger-inducing events, like being cut off in traffic, over and over in their mind. Instead of letting it go, they dwell on it, fuelling their frustration and making it harder to stay calm.</p> <p>Recognising this pattern and shifting focus — like taking a deep breath or distracting yourself — can help stop anger from escalating into aggression.</p> <p>More broadly, public awareness campaigns highlighting the link between anger and risky driving could also encourage more drivers to seek help.</p> <p>The next time you get behind the wheel, try to remember the other driver, the cyclist, or pedestrian is just another person — someone you might pass on the street without a second thought.</p> <p>We’re often good at forgiving minor missteps in non-driving contexts. Let’s try to bring that same patience and understanding to the road.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Milad Haghani</a>, Senior Lecturer of Urban Risk &amp; Resilience, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Awkwardness can hit in any social situation – here are a philosopher’s 5 strategies to navigate it with grace

<p><em><a href="">Alexandra Plakias</a>, <a href="">Hamilton College</a></em></p> <p>The holidays offer many opportunities for awkward moments. Political discussions, of course, hold plenty of potential. But any time opinions differ, where estrangements have caused lingering rifts, or when behaviors veer toward the inappropriate, awkwardness can set in.</p> <p>Awkwardness is what happens in social interactions when you suddenly find yourself without a script to guide you through. Maybe the situation is new or catches you off guard. Maybe you don’t know what’s expected of you, or you aren’t sure what role you’re playing in the social drama around you. It’s characterized by feelings of self-consciousness, uncertainty and discomfort.</p> <p>As a <a href=";hl=en&amp;oi=ao">philosopher who studies moral psychology</a>, I’m interested in awkwardness because I wanted to understand the ways social discomfort stops people from engaging with difficult topics and challenging conversations. Awkwardness seems to inhibit people, even when their moral values suggest they should speak up. But it has a positive role to play, too – it <a href="">can alert people to areas where their social norms are lacking</a> or outdated.</p> <p>People often blame themselves when things take a turn toward the awkward. But awkwardness is really a collective failure – people aren’t awkward, situations are. And they become awkward because you don’t have the resources to navigate your way through tricky social situations.</p> <p>Awkwardness is often confused with embarrassment, but the two are different in important ways, and so are their remedies. Embarrassment is a response to <a href="">a personal failing or gaffe</a>, and the <a href="">right response is to acknowledge it, own it and move on</a>. Because awkwardness is caused by a lack of social guidance, you can try to anticipate and head it off before it happens, or you can respond to it by trying to develop better or clearer social scripts to help you – and others – navigate similar situations in the future.</p> <p>After researching and writing an entire <a href="">book on awkwardness</a>, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not something we can – or should – avoid altogether. But there are a few strategies people can use to minimize awkwardness and deal with it when it does, inevitably, happen.</p> <h2>1. Know your goals, know your roles</h2> <p>Uncertainty is the oxygen of awkwardness. Before you engage in a potentially awkward or contentious interaction, ask yourself: What do I want to get out of this?</p> <p>When you’re clear on your goals for the interaction, not only are you better able to perform your role in it, but you’re also giving clearer signals to others, helping them perform their roles in the unfolding social drama.</p> <p>So, if you’re worried it’ll be awkward when your uncle starts in on his annual political rant, think about what you want the outcome to be. Do you want to convince him he’s wrong? Unlikely to happen. Do you want other family members to feel less anxious? Do you want your own views to be heard?</p> <p>I’m not suggesting that some forethought will make things go smoothly or guarantee that no one’s feelings will be hurt. But it will help you feel more confident in your ability to navigate toward your desired outcome.</p> <h2>2. There’s no ‘I’ in awkward</h2> <p><a href="">Awkward situations</a> breed <a href="">intense self-consciousness</a>. This is both uncomfortable and counterproductive. By focusing on yourself, you’re not attuned to the people around you or the signals they’re sending – signals that could offer you a pathway out of the awkward situation. So make sure you’re paying attention to the other players in the drama, not just your own discomfort.</p> <h2>3. Plan, coordinate and be explicit</h2> <p>People do so much planning in other areas of their lives, yet they expect social interactions to just flow effortlessly. But like a vacation or a hike in the woods, sometimes a conversation goes better when you approach it with a map. Have some go-to topics or questions at hand.</p> <p>And you don’t have to go it alone. If you’re worried about broaching a sensitive topic, or interacting with a particularly prickly guest, coordinate with a friend or relative.</p> <p>If you expect to see someone with whom you have an unresolved relationship – an estranged family member, an old friend you ghosted – try to do some prep work in advance. Emails or letters can give people a chance to process reactions without putting them on the spot.</p> <p>Even having a scripted activity on deck can make things less awkward. It doesn’t have to be anything formal, like a board game. Just keep some tasks available for guests who might otherwise lurk uncomfortably – like shaking up the salad dressing or putting forks on the table.</p> <h2>4. Laugh it off</h2> <p>If, despite your best efforts, awkwardness does strike, offer people a way out – they’ll probably grab it. This doesn’t need to be momentous; it could be a little joke, a small-talk topic, or even – and only if things get very desperate – knocking a spoon off the table to break the silence.</p> <h2>5. Consider the alternatives</h2> <p>These strategies might help you avoid awkwardness. But take a moment to consider whether you really want to. Awkwardness is the result of social uncertainty; it slows things down and curbs your confidence.</p> <p>In its absence, other emotions can set in. Having things out in the open can be a relief, but it can also lead to anger, sadness and other feelings that might best be saved for another occasion.</p> <p>So if things are awkward, it’s worth looking around to see what role that awkwardness is playing, and what might take its place if it’s gone.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Alexandra Plakias</a>, Associate Professor of Philosophy, <a href="">Hamilton College</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Six ways to reduce loneliness this Christmas – from a psychologist

<p><em><a href="">Nilufar Ahmed</a>, <a href="">University of Bristol</a></em></p> <p>Snowmen, tables groaning with food and families having a wonderful time together – these are the images that probably pop into your head when you think of Christmas.</p> <p>In reality, feelings of loneliness are amplified for many over Christmas. The parties and socialising in the lead up to the big day are swiftly followed by a lingering emptiness as as offices, schools and shops close for the festive season. It can feel like the whole world is caught up in a universal experience of Christmas that we are excluded from.</p> <p>It doesn’t help that Christmas adverts <a href="">tap in to our emotions</a> and create an expectation of what Christmas should look like.</p> <p>The build up seems to start earlier each year, with evidence suggesting that people begin to think about Christmas from as early as August, and with the <a href="">cost of living crisis</a> people have been planning their spending in advance. So by the time Christmas arrives, the festive messages will have been intensifying for weeks if not months.</p> <p>Christmas itself is hard if not possible to escape from entirely. But there are things you can do to manage your experience if you plan to spend time by yourself over advent.</p> <p>It can help to bear in mind that far fewer people are having a glossy family celebration straight out of a Coca-Cola advert than you’d expect. For some people this will be a busy period, but for others it will be a time of quiet reflection.</p> <p>Christmas is a <a href="">varied experience</a>. There is no one overriding version that applies to all, or even most, people. A lot of people work over Christmas, and students (<a href="">especially international students</a>) may choose, or not be able to, return to their family homes.</p> <p>Research has found Christmas can be a time of <a href="">decreased wellbeing</a> even for people surrounded by their loved ones. Reasons include <a href="">family tensions and financial worries</a>. This year the cost of living crisis and industrial disputes will throw many people’s plans into chaos. All this will disrupt that stereotype of a universal Christmas full of cheer that everyone else is experiencing without us.</p> <p>And while we often think of isolation as something that <a href="">impacts older older</a>, research confirms loneliness affects <a href="">all people of all ages</a>. Some studies have found actually younger people are more likely to report <a href="">feeling lonely</a> than other age groups.</p> <p>There can be a huge temptation to scroll through social media feeds when we are alone to see what everyone else is doing. But high levels of social media consumption is associated with increased <a href="">negative mood</a> and <a href="">worsened loneliness</a>.</p> <p>Instead, if you are worried about spending Christmas alone why not try some of these tips.</p> <h2>1. Connect with others</h2> <p>Put yourself out there to friends, family, loved ones, or a group that you feel a connection to. For example, join a running group if you enjoy exercise. Being part of a group that you share a purpose and <a href="">identity with</a> can raise your spirits. If you hesitate to talk to people you know because you worry they won’t have time, think about how you would respond if they reached out to you. If you would make time for them, the chances are they will too. Even if it’s just for a chat.</p> <h2>2. Volunteer</h2> <p>Consider volunteering with any range of age groups, communities, animal shelters or charities. Volunteering can <a href="">reduce loneliness</a> and increase your <a href="">sense of connectedness</a>.</p> <p>Feeling lonely is not the same as being alone. There can be many positive aspects of being alone that you can lean into over Christmas.</p> <h2>3. Take time for gratitude</h2> <p>When we feel alone we can end up in a <a href="">negative loop</a> where feelings of loneliness lead to negative thoughts which reinforce loneliness. Taking a moment to practice gratitude breaks this cycle.</p> <p>It can <a href="">boost your wellbeing</a> by redirecting your thoughts to more uplifting aspects of life. Regular gratitude practice has been found to <a href="">reduce loneliness</a> and even <a href="">depression</a>.</p> <h2>4. Catch up on books and box sets</h2> <p>Allow yourself to get stuck in to a good book. Reading can <a href="">brighten your mood</a>. If you are not confident in reading, you can always listen to an audiobook, or indulge in a box set that you wouldn’t have time for ordinarily.</p> <h2>5. Exercise</h2> <p>The <a href="">physical and mental health benefits</a> of exercise are well known. Even the most gentle exercise can do wonders to cheer you up. Taking the time to focus <a href="">mindfully on a walk</a> and lean into solitude can help lift you out of a downwards spiral.</p> <h2>6. Enjoy the rituals</h2> <p>Spending the season by yourself doesn’t mean that Christmas can’t be special. If Christmas is something that you love, then the rituals associated with Christmas can <a href="">boost your mental health</a> and combat loneliness.</p> <p>Remind yourself that you can decide what Christmas means to you, and how you want to spend it, and that is a gift.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Nilufar Ahmed</a>, Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, CPsychol, FHEA, <a href="">University of Bristol</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Why do I get so anxious after drinking? Here’s the science behind ‘hangxiety’

<p><em><a href="">Blair Aitken</a>, <a href="">Swinburne University of Technology</a> and <a href="">Rebecca Rothman</a>, <a href="">Swinburne University of Technology</a></em></p> <p>You had a great night out, but the next morning, anxiety hits: your heart races, and you replay every conversation from the night before in your head. This feeling, known as hangover anxiety or “<a href="">hangxiety</a>”, <a href="">affects around 22%</a> of social drinkers.</p> <p>While for some people, it’s mild nerves, for others, it’s a wave of anxiety that feels impossible to ride out. The “Sunday scaries” may make you feel panicked, filled with dread and unable to relax.</p> <p>Hangover anxiety can make even simple tasks feel overwhelming. Here’s why it happens, and what you can do about it.</p> <h2>What does alcohol do to our brains?</h2> <p>A hangover is the body’s way of recovering after drinking alcohol, bringing with it a range of symptoms.</p> <p><a href="">Dehydration and disrupted sleep</a> play a large part in the pounding headaches and nausea many of us know too well after a big night out. But hangovers aren’t just physical – there’s a strong mental side too.</p> <p>Alcohol is a nervous system depressant, meaning it alters how certain chemical messengers (or neurotransmitters) behave in the brain. Alcohol relaxes you by increasing <a href="">gamma-aminobutyric acid</a> (GABA), the neurotransmitter that makes you feel calm and lowers inhibitions. It decreases <a href="">glutamate</a> and this also slows down your thoughts and helps ease you into a more relaxed state.</p> <p>Together, this interaction affects your mood, emotions and alertness. This is why when we drink, we often feel more sociable, carefree and willing to let our guard down.</p> <p>As the effects of the alcohol wear off, your brain works to rebalance these chemicals by <a href="">reducing GABA and increasing glutamate</a>. This shift has the opposite effect of the night before, causing your brain to become more excitable and overstimulated, which can lead to feelings of anxiety.</p> <p>So why do some people get hangxiety, while others don’t? There isn’t one clear answer to this question, as several factors can play a role in whether someone experiences hangover-related anxiety.</p> <h2>Genes play a role</h2> <p>For some, a hangover is simply a matter of how much they drank or how hydrated they are. But genetics may also play a significant role. <a href="">Research</a> shows your genes can explain almost half the reason why you wake up feeling hungover, while your friend might not.</p> <p>Because genes influence how your body processes alcohol, some people may experience more intense hangover symptoms, such as headaches or dehydration. These stronger physical effects can, in turn, <a href="">trigger anxiety during a hangover</a>, making you more susceptible to “hangxiety.”</p> <h2>Do you remember what you said last night?</h2> <p>But one of the most common culprits for feeling anxious the next day is often <a href="">what you do while drinking</a>.</p> <p>Let’s say you’ve had a big night out and you can’t quite recall a conversation you had or something you did. Maybe you acted in ways that you now regret or feel embarrassed about. You might fixate on these thoughts and get trapped in a cycle of worrying and rumination. This cycle can be hard to break and can make you feel more anxious.</p> <p><a href="">Research</a> suggests people who already struggle with feelings of anxiety in their day-to-day lives are especially vulnerable to hangxiety.</p> <p>Some people drink alcohol to unwind after a stressful day or to make themselves feel more comfortable at social events. This often leads to <a href="">heavier consumption</a>, which can make hangover symptoms more severe. It can also begin a cycle of drinking to feel better, making hangxiety even harder to escape.</p> <h2>Preventing hangover anxiety</h2> <p>The best way to prevent hangxiety is to limit your alcohol consumption. The <a href="">Australian guidelines</a> recommend having no more than ten standard drinks per week and no more than four standard drinks on any one day.</p> <p>Generally, the more you drink, the more intense your hangover symptoms might be, and the worse you are likely to feel.</p> <p>Mixing other drugs with alcohol can also increase the risk of hangxiety. This is especially true for party drugs, such as ecstasy or MDMA, that give you a temporary high but can lead to anxiety as they wear off and you are <a href="">coming down</a>.</p> <p>If you do wake up feeling anxious:</p> <ul> <li> <p>focus on the physical recovery to help ease the mental strain</p> </li> <li> <p>drink plenty of water, eat a light meal and allow yourself time to rest</p> </li> <li> <p>try <a href="">mindfulness meditation</a> or deep breathing exercises, especially if anxiety keeps you awake or your mind races</p> </li> <li> <p>consider journalling. This can help re-frame anxious thoughts, put your feelings into perspective and encourage self-compassion</p> </li> <li> <p>talk to a close friend. This can provide a safe space to express concerns and feel less isolated.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Hangxiety is an unwelcome guest after a night out. Understanding why hangxiety happens – and how you can manage it – can make the morning after a little less daunting, and help keep those anxious thoughts at bay.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Blair Aitken</a>, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Psychopharmacology, <a href="">Swinburne University of Technology</a> and <a href="">Rebecca Rothman</a>, PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology, School of Health Sciences, <a href="">Swinburne University of Technology</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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What is ‘doll therapy’ for people with dementia? And is it backed by science?

<p><em><a href="">Nikki-Anne Wilson</a>, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p>The way people living with dementia <a href="">experience the world</a> can change as the disease progresses. Their sense of reality or place in time can become distorted, which can cause <a href="">agitation and distress</a>.</p> <p>One of the best ways to support people experiencing changes in perception and behaviour is to <a href="">manage their environment</a>. This can have profound benefits including <a href="">reducing the need for sedatives</a>.</p> <p>One such strategy is the use of dolls as comfort aids.</p> <h2>What is ‘doll therapy’?</h2> <p>More appropriately referred to as “<a href="">child representation</a>”, lifelike dolls (also known as empathy dolls) can provide comfort for some people with dementia.</p> <p>Memories from the <a href=",detailed%20memories%20from%20earlier%20life.">distant past</a> are often more salient than more recent events in dementia. This means that past experiences of parenthood and caring for young children may feel more “real” to a person with dementia than where they are now.</p> <p><a href=",hallucinating%20and%20how%20others%20respond.">Hallucinations or delusions</a> may also occur, where a person hears a baby crying or fears they have lost their baby.</p> <p>Providing a doll can be a tangible way of reducing distress without invalidating the experience of the person with dementia.</p> <h2>Some people believe the doll is real</h2> <p>A recent case involving <a href="">an aged care nurse mistreating a dementia patient’s therapy doll</a> highlights the importance of appropriate training and support for care workers in this area.</p> <p>For those who do become attached to a therapeutic doll, they will treat the doll as a real baby needing care and may therefore have a profound emotional response if the doll is mishandled.</p> <p>It’s important to be guided by the person with dementia and only act as if it’s a real baby if the person themselves believes that is the case.</p> <h2>What does the evidence say about their use?</h2> <p>Evidence shows the use of empathy dolls may help <a href="">reduce agitation and anxiety</a> and <a href="">improve overall quality of life</a> in people living with dementia.</p> <p>Child representation therapy falls under the banner of <a href="">non-pharmacological approaches to dementia care</a>. More specifically, the attachment to the doll may act as a form of <a href="">reminiscence therapy</a>, which involves using prompts to reconnect with past experiences.</p> <p>Interacting with the dolls may also act as a form of <a href="">sensory stimulation</a>, where the person with dementia may gain comfort from touching and holding the doll. Sensory stimulation may <a href="">support emotional well-being and aid commnication</a>.</p> <p>However, not all people living with dementia will respond to an empathy doll.</p> <p>The <a href="">introduction of a therapeutic doll</a> needs to be done in conjunction with careful observation and consideration of the person’s background.</p> <p>Empathy dolls may be inappropriate or less effective for those who have not previously cared for children or who may have experienced past birth trauma or the loss of a child.</p> <p>Be guided by the person with dementia and how they respond to the doll.</p> <h2>Are there downsides?</h2> <p>The approach has <a href="">attracted some controversy</a>. It has been suggested that child representation therapy “infantilises” people living with dementia and may increase negative stigma.</p> <p>Further, the attachment may become so strong that the person with dementia will <a href="">become upset if someone else picks the doll up</a>. This may create some difficulties in the presence of grandchildren or when cleaning the doll.</p> <p>The introduction of child representation therapy may also require additional staff training and time. Non-pharmacological interventions such as child representation, however, have been shown to be <a href="">cost-effective</a>.</p> <h2>Could robots be the future?</h2> <p>The use of more <a href=",mental%20support%20for%20older%20adults.">interactive empathy dolls</a> and <a href="">pet-like robots</a> is also gaining popularity.</p> <p>While robots have been shown to be <a href="">feasible and acceptable in dementia care</a>, there remains some contention about their benefits.</p> <p>While some studies have shown <a href="">positive outcomes</a>, including reduced agitation, others show <a href="">no improvement</a> in cognition, behaviour or quality of life among people with dementia.</p> <p>Advances in artificial intelligence are also being used to help support people living with dementia and <a href="">inform</a> the community.</p> <p><a href="">Viv and Friends</a>, for example, are AI companions who appear on a screen and can interact with the person with dementia in real time. The AI character Viv has dementia and was co-created with women living with dementia using verbatim scripts of their words, insights and experiences. While Viv can share her experience of living with dementia, she can also be programmed to talk about common interests, such as gardening.</p> <p>These companions are currently being trialled in some residential aged care facilities and to help educate people on the lived experience of dementia.</p> <h2>How should you respond to your loved one’s empathy doll?</h2> <p>While child representation can be a useful adjunct in dementia care, it requires sensitivity and appropriate consideration of the person’s needs.</p> <p>People living with dementia <a href="">may not perceive the social world the same way</a> as a person without dementia. But a person living with dementia is not a child and should never be treated as one.</p> <p>Ensure all family, friends and care workers are <a href="">informed about the attachment to the empathy doll</a> to help avoid unintentionally causing distress from inappropriate handling of the doll.</p> <p>If using an interactive doll, ensure spare batteries are on hand.</p> <p>Finally, it is important to reassess the attachment over time as the person’s response to the empathy doll may change.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Nikki-Anne Wilson</a>, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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These 12 things can reduce your dementia risk – but many Australians don’t know them all

<p><em><a href="">Joyce Siette</a>, <a href="">Western Sydney University</a> and <a href="">Laura Dodds</a>, <a href="">Western Sydney University</a></em></p> <p>Dementia is a <a href="">leading</a> cause of death in Australia.</p> <p>Although dementia mainly affects older people, it is an avoidable part of ageing. In fact, we all have the power to reduce our risk of developing dementia, no matter your age.</p> <p>Research shows your risk of developing dementia could be <a href="">reduced by up to 40%</a> (and even higher if you live in a <a href="">low or middle-income country</a>) by addressing lifestyle factors such as healthy diet, exercise and alcohol consumption.</p> <p>But the first step to reducing population-wide dementia risk is to understand how well people understand the risk factors and the barriers they may face to making lifestyle changes.</p> <p>Our new <a href="">paper</a>, published this week in the <a href="">Journal of Ageing and Longevity</a>, found most older people are aware that dementia is a modifiable condition and that they have the power to change their dementia risk.</p> <p>We also found the key barrier to making brain healthy lifestyle choices was a lack of knowledge, which suggests a public awareness campaign is urgently needed.</p> <h2>What we did</h2> <p>We began by <a href="">reviewing</a> the published research to identify 12 factors shown to reduce dementia risk. We surveyed 834 older Australians about their awareness of the 12 factors, which were:</p> <ol> <li>having a mentally active lifestyle</li> <li>doing physical activity</li> <li>having a healthy diet</li> <li>having strong mental health</li> <li>not smoking</li> <li>not consuming alcohol</li> <li>controlling high blood pressure</li> <li>maintaining a healthy weight</li> <li>managing high cholesterol</li> <li>preventing heart disease</li> <li>not having kidney disease</li> <li>not having diabetes</li> </ol> <p><a href="">The Lancet</a> subsequently published its own list of factors that help reduce dementia risk, which covered much the same territory (but included a few others, such as reducing air pollution, treating hearing impairment and being socially engaged).</p> <p>Of course, there is no way to cut your dementia risk to zero. Some people do all the “right” things and still get dementia. But there is <a href="">good evidence</a> managing lifestyle factors help make it <em>less likely</em> you will get dementia over your lifetime.</p> <p>Our study shows many older Australians are quite aware, with over 75% able to correctly identify more than four of the factors in our list of 12.</p> <p>However, few were able to name the less well-known risk factors, such as preventing heart disease and health conditions like kidney disease.</p> <p>The good news is that close to half of the sample correctly identified more than six of the 12 protective factors, with mentally active lifestyle, physical activity and healthy diet in the top three spots.</p> <h2>Two key issues</h2> <p>Two things stood out as strongly linked with the ability to identify factors influencing dementia risk.</p> <p>Education was key. People who received more than 12 years of formal schooling were more likely to agree that dementia was a modifiable condition. We are first exposed to health management in our school years and thus more likely to form healthier habits.</p> <p>Age was the other key factor. Younger respondents (less than 75 years old) were able to accurately identify more protective factors compared to older respondents. This is why health promotion initiatives and public education efforts about dementia are vital (such as Dementia Awareness Month and <a href="">Memory, Walk and Jog initiatives</a>).</p> <h2>How can these findings be used in practice?</h2> <p>Our findings suggest we need to target education across the different age groups, from children to older Australians.</p> <p>This could involve a <a href="">whole system approach</a>, from programs targeted at <a href=",to%20problem%20solve%20challenging%20situations.">families</a>, to educational sessions for school-aged children, to involving GPs in awareness promotion.</p> <p>We also need to tackle barriers that hinder dementia risk reduction. This means doing activities that motivate you, finding programs that suit your needs and schedule, and are accessible.</p> <h2>What does this mean for you?</h2> <p>Reducing your dementia risk means recognising change starts with you.</p> <p>We are all familiar with the everyday challenges that stop us from starting an exercise program or sticking to a meal plan.</p> <p>There are simple and easy changes we can begin with. Our team has developed a program that can help. We are offering limited <a href="">free brain health boxes</a>, which include information resources and physical items such as a pedometer. These boxes aim to help rural Australians aged 55 years and over to adopt lifestyle changes that support healthy brain ageing. If you’re interested in signing up, visit our <a href="">website</a>.</p> <p>Now is the time to think about your brain health. Let’s start now.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Joyce Siette</a>, Research Theme Fellow, <a href="">Western Sydney University</a> and <a href="">Laura Dodds</a>, PhD Candidate, <a href="">Western Sydney University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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How light can shift your mood and mental health

<p><em><a href="">Jacob Crouse</a>, <a href="">University of Sydney</a>; <a href="">Emiliana Tonini</a>, <a href="">University of Sydney</a>, and <a href="">Ian Hickie</a>, <a href="">University of Sydney</a></em></p> <p>It’s spring and you’ve probably noticed a change in when the Sun rises and sets. But have you also noticed a change in your mood?</p> <p>We’ve known for a while that light plays a role in our wellbeing. Many of us tend to feel more positive when <a href="">spring returns</a>.</p> <p>But for others, big changes in light, such as at the start of spring, can be tough. And for many, bright light at night can be a problem. Here’s what’s going on.</p> <h2>An ancient rhythm of light and mood</h2> <p>In an <a href="">earlier article</a> in our series, we learned that light shining on the back of the eye sends “<a href="">timing signals</a>” to the brain and the master clock of the circadian system. This clock coordinates our daily (circadian) rhythms.</p> <p>“Clock genes” also regulate circadian rhythms. These genes control the timing of when many other genes <a href="">turn on and off</a> during the 24-hour, light-dark cycle.</p> <p>But how is this all linked with our mood and mental health?</p> <p>Circadian rhythms can be disrupted. This can happen if there are problems with how the body clock develops or functions, or if someone is routinely exposed to bright light at night.</p> <p>When circadian disruption happens, it increases the risk of certain <a href="">mental disorders</a>. These include <a href="">bipolar disorder</a> and <a href="">atypical depression</a> (a type of depression when someone is extra sleepy and has problems with their energy and metabolism).</p> <h2>Light on the brain</h2> <p>Light may also affect circuits <a href="">in the brain</a> that control mood, as <a href="">animal studies show</a>.</p> <p>There’s evidence this happens in humans. A brain-imaging study showed exposure to bright light in the daytime while inside the scanner <a href="">changed the activity</a> of a brain region involved in mood and alertness.</p> <p>Another brain-imaging study <a href="">found</a> a link between daily exposure to sunlight and how the neurotransmitter (or chemical messenger) serotonin binds to receptors in the brain. We see alterations in serotonin binding in several <a href="">mental disorders</a>, including depression.</p> <h2>What happens when the seasons change?</h2> <p>Light can also affect mood and mental health as the seasons change. During autumn and winter, symptoms such as low mood and fatigue can develop. But often, once spring and summer come round, these symptoms go away. This is called “seasonality” or, when severe, “<a href="">seasonal affective disorder</a>”.</p> <p>What is less well known is that for other people, the change to spring and summer (when there is <em>more</em> light) can also come with a change in mood and mental health. Some people experience increases in energy and the drive to be active. This is positive for some but can be seriously destabilising for others. This too is an example of seasonality.</p> <p>Most people <a href="">aren’t very seasonal</a>. But for those who are, seasonality has a <a href="">genetic component</a>. Relatives of people with seasonal affective disorder are more likely to also experience seasonality.</p> <p>Seasonality is also more common in conditions such as <a href="">bipolar disorder</a>. For many people with such conditions, the shift into shorter day-lengths during winter can trigger a depressive episode.</p> <p>Counterintuitively, the longer day-lengths in spring and summer can also destabilise people with bipolar disorder into an “<a href="">activated</a>” state where energy and activity are in overdrive, and symptoms are harder to manage. So, seasonality can be serious.</p> <p>Alexis Hutcheon, who experiences seasonality and helped write this article, told us:</p> <blockquote> <p>[…] the season change is like preparing for battle – I never know what’s coming, and I rarely come out unscathed. I’ve experienced both hypomanic and depressive episodes triggered by the season change, but regardless of whether I’m on the ‘up’ or the ‘down’, the one constant is that I can’t sleep. To manage, I try to stick to a strict routine, tweak medication, maximise my exposure to light, and always stay tuned in to those subtle shifts in mood. It’s a time of heightened awareness and trying to stay one step ahead.</p> </blockquote> <h2>So what’s going on in the brain?</h2> <p>One explanation for what’s going on in the brain when mental health fluctuates with the change in seasons relates to the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.</p> <p>Serotonin helps regulate mood and is the target of <a href="">many</a> <a href="">antidepressants</a>. There is some evidence of seasonal changes in serotonin levels, potentially being lower <a href="">in</a> <a href="">winter</a>.</p> <p>Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in reward, motivation and movement, and is also a target of some <a href="">antidepressants</a>. Levels of dopamine may also change with the <a href="">seasons</a>.</p> <p>But the neuroscience of seasonality is a developing area and more research <a href="">is needed</a> to know what’s going on in the brain.</p> <h2>How about bright light at night?</h2> <p>We know exposure to bright light at night (for instance, if someone is up all night) can disturb someone’s circadian rhythms.</p> <p>This type of circadian rhythm disturbance is associated with higher rates of symptoms <a href="">including</a> self-harm, depressive and anxiety symptoms, and lower wellbeing. It is also associated with higher rates of <a href="">mental disorders</a>, such as major depression, bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (or PTSD).</p> <p>Why is this? Bright light at night confuses and destabilises the body clock. It disrupts the rhythmic regulation of mood, cognition, appetite, metabolism and <a href="">many</a> <a href="">other</a> <a href="">mental</a> <a href="">processes</a>.</p> <p>But people differ hugely in their <a href="">sensitivity to light</a>. While still a hypothesis, people who are most sensitive to light may be the most vulnerable to body clock disturbances caused by bright light at night, which then leads to a higher risk of mental health problems.</p> <h2>Where to from here?</h2> <p>Learning about light will help people better manage their mental health conditions.</p> <p>By encouraging people to better align their lives to the light-dark cycle (to stabilise their body clock) we may also help prevent conditions such as <a href="">depression</a> and <a href="">bipolar disorder</a> emerging in the first place.</p> <p>Healthy light behaviours – avoiding light at night and seeking light during the day – are good for everyone. But they might be especially helpful for people <a href="">at risk</a> of mental health problems. These include people with a family history of mental health problems or people who are <a href="">night owls</a> (late sleepers and late risers), who are more at risk of body clock disturbances.</p> <hr /> <p><em>Alexis Hutcheon has lived experience of a mental health condition and helped write this article.</em></p> <p><em>If this article has raised issues for you, or if you’re concerned about someone you know, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.</em><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><a href=""><em>Jacob Crouse</em></a><em>, Research Fellow in Youth Mental Health, Brain and Mind Centre, <a href="">University of Sydney</a>; <a href="">Emiliana Tonini</a>, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Brain and Mind Centre, <a href="">University of Sydney</a>, and <a href="">Ian Hickie</a>, Co-Director, Health and Policy, Brain and Mind Centre, <a href="">University of Sydney</a></em></p> <p><em>Image </em><em>credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Elmo's chat about grief with famous actor goes viral

<p>A heart-warming conversation between actor Andrew Garfield and Elmo has gone viral for their candid conversation about grief. </p> <p>While on a press tour to promote his new film <em>We Live in Time</em>, the English actor stopped by Sesame Street for a chat about his mourning journey after his mother died from pancreatic cancer in 2019. </p> <p>Sitting on a stoop beside Elmo, Garfield began the vulnerable conversation, that has been praised for being so open about the taboo of grief and death. </p> <p>“Elmo’s going around Sesame Street checking in on everybody,” Elmo told a smiling Garfield. “So, Elmo wants to know how Andrew’s doing?”</p> <p>With some encouragement from the Muppet, Garfield revealed that he’s been thinking about his mother, as he said, “She passed away not too long ago, and you know, I just miss her. Miss her a lot.”</p> <p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>After Elmo responded apologetically, Garfield reassured Elmo that there’s no need to say sorry, and that “it’s actually kind of OK to miss somebody,” even if it invokes feelings of sadness.</p> <p>“That sadness is kind of a gift. It’s kind of a lovely thing to feel, in a way, because it means you really loved somebody when you miss them,” Garfield said, adding: “When I miss my mum, I remember all of the cuddles I used to get from her, all of the hugs I used to get from her.”</p> <p>Garfield finished his thoughts by saying that he can miss and celebrate his mother at the same time, as Elmo thanked Garfield for sharing his emotions, saying, “You know what, Elmo is gonna think about and celebrate your mommy, too.”</p> <p>The video quickly racked up millions of views and comments, with many saying how Andrew's thoughts were so poignant, and that they resonated with their own personal stories of grief.</p> <p>Many people called it a "touching conversation" that was "absolutely beautiful", while another person added, "I didn't expect a talk with Elmo to get this deep."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Sesame Street - YouTube</em></p>


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How to rewire your brain to feel good on Monday

<p><em><a href="">Cristina R. Reschke</a>, <a href="">RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences</a> and <a href="">Jolanta Burke</a>, <a href="">RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences</a></em></p> <p>If you hate Mondays, you’re most certainly in good company. After a couple of days off, many of us have difficulty settling back into our routines and work duties. You may even have dread and anxiety that seeps into the weekend in the form of “<a href="">Sunday scaries</a>”.</p> <p>You can’t always change your schedule or obligations to make Mondays more appealing, but you may be able to “reprogram” your brain to think about the week differently.</p> <p>Our brains love predictability and routine. Research has shown that lack of routine is associated with <a href="">decline in wellbeing and psychological distress</a>. Even though the weekend heralds a leisurely and pleasant time, our brain works hard to adjust to this sudden change to a routine.</p> <p>The good news is that the brain does not need to make too much effort when adjusting to the weekend’s freedom and lack of routine. However, it’s a different story when coming back to the less pleasant activities, such as a to-do list on Monday morning.</p> <p>One way to adjust to post-weekend change is introducing routines that last the whole week and have the power to make our lives <a href="">more meaningful</a>. These may include <a href="">watching your favourite TV programme, gardening</a> or going <a href="">to the gym</a>. It is helpful to do these things at the same time every day.</p> <p>Routines improve our <a href="">sense of coherence</a>, a process that allows us to make sense of the jigsaw of life events. When we have an established routine, be it the routine of working five days and taking two days off or engaging in a set of actions every day, our lives become <a href="">more meaningful</a>.</p> <p>Another important routine to establish is your sleep routine. <a href="">Research shows</a> that keeping consistent sleep time may be as important for enjoying Mondays as how long your sleep lasts or its quality.</p> <p>Changes in sleep patterns during weekends trigger <a href="">social jetlag</a>. For instance, sleeping in later than usual and for longer on free days may trigger a discrepancy between your body clock and socially-imposed responsibilities. This is linked to higher stress levels on Monday morning.</p> <p>Try to keep a set time for going to bed and waking up, avoid naps. You might also want to create a 30 minute “wind-down” routine before sleep, by turning off or putting away your digital devices and practising relaxation techniques.</p> <h2>Hacking your hormones</h2> <p>Hormones can also play a role in how we feel about Mondays. For instance, cortisol is a very important multifunction hormone. It helps our bodies to control our metabolism, regulate our sleep-wake cycle and our response to stress, among other things. It is usually released about an hour before we wake up (it helps us feel awake) and then its levels lower until the next morning, unless we’re under stress.</p> <p>Under acute stress, our bodies release not only cortisol, but also adrenaline in preparation for fight or flight. This is when the heart beats fast, we get sweaty palms and may react impulsively. This is our amygdala (a small almond-shaped area in the base of our brains) hijacking our brains. It creates a super fast emotional response to stress even before our brains can process and think whether it was needed.</p> <p>But as soon we can think – activating the brain’s prefrontal cortex, the area for our reason and executive thinking – this response will be mitigated, if there is no real threat. It is a constant battle between our emotions and reason. This might wake us up in the middle of the night when we’re too stressed or anxious.</p> <p>It shouldn’t be surprising then that cortisol levels, measured in saliva samples of full-time working individuals, tend to be higher on Mondays and Tuesdays, with the lowest levels reported on <a href="">Sundays</a>.</p> <p>As a stress hormone, cortisol fluctuates daily, but not consistently. On weekdays, as soon as we wake up, <a href="">cortisol levels soar</a> and variations tend to be higher than on <a href="">weekends</a>.</p> <p>To combat this, we need to trick the amygdala by training the brain to only recognise actual threats. In other words, we need to activate our prefrontal cortex as fast as possible.</p> <p>One of the best ways to achieve this and lower overall stress is through relaxation activities, especially on Mondays. One possibility is mindfulness, which is associated with a <a href="">reduction in cortisol</a>. <a href="">Spending time in nature</a> is another method – going outside first thing on Monday or even during your lunch hour can make a significant difference to how you perceive the beginning of the week.</p> <p>Give yourself time before checking your phone, social media and the news. It’s good to wait for cortisol peak to decrease naturally, which happens approximately one hour after waking up, before you expose yourself to external stressors.</p> <p>By following these simple tips, you can train your brain to believe that the weekdays can be (nearly) as good as the weekend.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><a href=""><em>Cristina R. Reschke</em></a><em>, Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences &amp; Funded Investigator in the FutureNeuro Research Centre, <a href="">RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences</a> and <a href="">Jolanta Burke</a>, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Positive Health Sciences, <a href="">RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Music and dementia: researchers are still making discoveries about how songs can help sufferers

<p><em><a href="">Rebecca Atkinson</a>, <a href="">Anglia Ruskin University</a> and <a href="">Ming-Hung Hsu</a>, <a href="">Anglia Ruskin University</a></em></p> <p>Music is woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. Whether it’s lifting our spirits, pushing us to run faster or soothing us to sleep, we can all <a href="">recognise its power</a>. So it’s no wonder it is increasingly being used in medical treatment.</p> <p>As well as proving very useful in <a href="">cancer treatment</a>, managing <a href="">chronic pain</a> and even helping the brain <a href="">recover after a stroke</a>, researchers have also been making great strides in using music to help patients with dementia.</p> <p>It reduces patients’ <a href="">anxiety and depression</a>, and <a href="">improves wellbeing</a> both for them and their carers <a href="">by enhancing</a> everyone’s ability to adapt and cope with adversity or stress.</p> <p><a href="">Music therapy</a> in the form of playing, singing or listening to music can also have a <a href="">positive effect</a> on cognitive function – particularly for <a href="">older adults</a> either with dementia or memory issues.</p> <p>So why does music appear to have such a powerful effect for people with dementia?</p> <h2>Music and the brain</h2> <p>About a decade ago, <a href="">researchers discovered that</a> when people listened to music, multiple areas of the brain were involved in processing it. These included the limbic (which processes emotions and memory), cognitive (involved with perception, learning and reaction) and motor areas (responsible for voluntary movement). This challenged preconceptions that music was processed more narrowly in the brain – and helped explain why it has such a unique neurological impact.</p> <p>Not only that, research has shown that music might help <a href="">regenerate the brain</a> and its connections. Many <a href="">causes of dementia</a> centre around cell death in the brain, raising the possibility that music could help people with dementia by mending or strengthening damaged neural connections and cells.</p> <p>It’s not just any music that has a regenerative effect on the brain, though. <a href="">Familiar and favourite music</a> has been shown to have the biggest impact on the way we feel, and is closely linked with memory and emotions. This is because listening to our favourite songs <a href="">releases feel-good hormones</a> that give us a sense of pleasure. Curated music playlists of favourite music could be the key in helping us deal with the <a href="">stress of everyday life</a>.</p> <p>This is relevant to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia because researchers have discovered that parts of the brain linked with <a href="">musical memories</a> are less affected by these conditions than other areas of the brain. This explains why memories and experiences that are linked to <a href="">favourite music</a> are often preserved for people with such conditions.</p> <p>Listening to music can also <a href="">help manage</a> their experiences of distress, agitation and “<a href="">sundowning</a>” – where a person is more confused in the afternoon and evening.</p> <p>In a <a href=";utm_medium=email&amp;utm_acid=224973760&amp;SIS_ID=&amp;dgcid=STMJ_219742_AUTH_SERV_PA&amp;CMX_ID=&amp;utm_in=DM500444&amp;utm_source=AC_">small study</a> conducted by us and our colleagues at the Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research, we showed just how great of an effect listening to music can have for people with dementia. We found that when people with dementia repeatedly listened to their favourite music, their heart rate and movements changed in direct response.</p> <p>This showed that people’s physical responses were affected by musical features like rhythm and arrangement. Their heart rate also changed when they sang along to music, or when they began reminiscing about old memories or stories while listening to a song or thinking about the music. These changes are important because they show how music affects movement, emotions and memory recall.</p> <p>Studies have also shown that during and after listening to music, people with dementia <a href="">experienced less agitation</a>, aggression and anxiety, and their general mood was improved. They even needed less medication when they had regular music sessions.</p> <p>Other researchers have even begun testing the effects of <a href="">music training programmes</a> to support cognition for people with dementia. Results have been promising so far – with adults in the study showing improved executive functioning (problem solving, emotion regulation and attention) compared to those who took part in just physical exercise.</p> <p>So, music is likely to continue to be a useful medical treatment for people with dementia. But based on what we know so far, it’s important that it comes from the patient’s own music collection – and is used alongside other management techniques such as using drugs that can slow the progression of dementia or help manage symptoms to support self-care and wellbeing.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Rebecca Atkinson</a>, Researcher in Music Therapy, <a href="">Anglia Ruskin University</a> and <a href="">Ming-Hung Hsu</a>, Senior Research Fellow, Music Therapy, <a href="">Anglia Ruskin University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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"Happy wives, happy social lives?" Men are more emotionally disconnected than women – what can be done about it?

<p><em><a href="">Roger Patulny</a>, <a href="">Hong Kong Baptist University</a></em></p> <p>Many of us are worried about loneliness and isolation, and both <a href="">decade-old</a> and <a href="">recent data</a> suggest they impact men more than women.</p> <p>Loneliness predicts health outcomes including <a href="">early mortality</a>, greater <a href="">psychological distress</a>, and more <a href="">cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological problems</a>.</p> <p>New research also links loneliness to <a href="">more intolerant attitudes towards women</a>.</p> <p>These findings raise concerns over the causes and impacts of men’s loneliness and isolation.</p> <h2>A deep dive into loneliness</h2> <p>I recently analysed more than 50 indicators from a decade of data collected by the <a href="">Australian Social Attitudes Survey</a>, from 2011–12, 2015–16, 2017–18, and 2022–23.</p> <p>My statistical models produced results for (self-identified) men and women, after controlling for the impacts of age, employment and partner status.</p> <p>I confirmed that Australian men are more likely to be socially and emotionally disconnected than women. I also found some reasons why this might be the case.</p> <p>I found men appear to focus their emotional energies primarily on their nuclear families and partners. Consequently, they over-rely on their female partners for intimate support and develop more distant, limited and transactional relationships with other people – and other men.</p> <h2>Men are more emotionally disconnected</h2> <p>The data show men continue to lack emotional support on a range of indicators. This puts them at greater risk of health impacts and potentially encourages more toxic attitudes towards women.</p> <p>A significantly greater proportion of men than women reported:</p> <ul> <li>receiving no support from their closest friend</li> <li>receiving fun/practical advice over emotional support from close friends</li> <li>having less contact with a close friend</li> <li>not having anyone for emotional support</li> <li>not feeling “very close” to their closest friend</li> <li>not feeling “love” as their most commonly experienced emotion in the last week.</li> </ul> <h2>Men have more distant, transactional relationships</h2> <p>Why are men in this situation?</p> <p>Masculinity roles are clearly influential.</p> <p>Traditional masculinity encourages men to appear capable, controlled and independent, avoid displays of “vulnerable” emotions or male-to-male affection (like hugging, touch or crying), and embrace the hetero-normative ideal of male provision and leadership.</p> <p>Such norms have been found to constrain male intimacy <a href="">by disallowing vulnerability</a>.</p> <p>My data show men tend to develop looser, transactional ties with more distant people. This may reduce the quality of the connection and its potential to reduce loneliness.</p> <p>I have found men are more likely than women to:</p> <ul> <li>think it is OK to befriend someone just because they’ll make a “useful” contact</li> <li>feel obligated to repay favours immediately (foregoing longer-term connections)</li> <li>be kind to others because they “value doing the right thing”, rather than because they empathically connect with or care about the person</li> <li>give and receive kindness from strangers (rather than more familiar people)</li> <li>seek help with household jobs from more distant family or friends</li> <li>seek practical support (money, advice) from private and commercial sources (rather than friends or family)</li> <li>not seek help from family or friends for emotional, sickness or care issues.</li> </ul> <p>This means many men retain an individualist masculine desire to remain emotionally aloof.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="TBJfz" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0px none currentcolor;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h2>Appearing in control but becoming dependent?</h2> <p>So where <em>do</em> men turn for intimate, emotional connection?</p> <p>Most often, their families.</p> <p>Prior studies show partnered men are <a href="">less lonely than single men</a>. My data show men revere the nuclear family institution and the core supportive role of women and female partners.</p> <p>Men are more likely than women to:</p> <ul> <li>believe having children increases their social standing</li> <li>believe family is more important than friends</li> <li>rely on family over friends for support</li> <li>have mixed-gender friendships (in contrast to womens’ predominately female friendships)</li> <li>see their (predominantly female) partner as their closest friend</li> <li>emotionally support their (predominantly female) partner ahead of supporting others.</li> </ul> <p>However, the masculine desire to be a “good nuclear family man” <a href="">can both support and impede</a> men’s social connection.</p> <p>Partnered men might feel less lonely but that doesn’t mean they give or gain sufficient emotional support from their nuclear families.</p> <p>My data show men are less likely than women to:</p> <ul> <li>plan or organise social and family activities</li> <li>have at least weekly contact with non-nuclear family or friends</li> <li>emotionally support their friends, family or children ahead of their partners</li> <li>have their partner support them ahead of others (women were more likely to support their children first).</li> </ul> <p>This raises several issues.</p> <p>If men cling to the notion that their primary role is to provide for and support their (female) partner – while she in turn emotionally supports everyone else – they risk becoming personally isolated through diminished networks and outmoded expectations.</p> <p>In this context, men who believe they should earn more than their partners <a href="">are lonelier</a> than other men.</p> <p>It also risks pushing the burden of maintaining social and emotional connections onto <a href="">women and partners</a>, and men becoming socially and emotionally dependent on them.</p> <p>And it can “bake in” hetero-normative family-to-family interactions (organised by female partners) as the most “legitimate” form of socialising for men.</p> <p>This can be highly exclusionary for LGBTQIA+ people, along with single men and single fathers, who register among <a href="">the highest rates of loneliness in Australia</a>.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="qCmHw" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0px none currentcolor;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h2>How can men become more emotionally connected?</h2> <p>Feelings shouldn’t be seen as just a <a href="">“female thing”</a>.</p> <p>Younger men’s more inclusive masculine attitudes can allow them to <a href="">subvert the “rules” of masculinity</a>, express emotion and embrace <a href="">“bromances”</a>.</p> <p>Men can also connect emotionally with other men through <a href="">jokes and humour</a> and participating in shared activities <a href="">that allow incidental communication</a>, like Men’s Sheds.</p> <p>The following initiatives may well help men broaden their intimate networks beyond the nuclear family. We could:<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <ul> <li>help men into caring roles through more <a href="">family friendly employment and care-leave policies</a></li> <li>support initiatives such as <a href="">Movember Men in Mind</a> that encourage men to seek help, and improve their emotional expression and support skills</li> <li>encourage partnered, heterosexual men to broaden and diversify their intimate networks beyond the nuclear family bubble, and be more inclusive of single men, single fathers, and LGBTQIA+ people. <a href="">Men’s Table initiatives</a> could be of great value here</li> <li>encourage the development of more online <a href="">safe spaces</a> to form intimate bonds while avoiding toxic online masculine spaces.</li> </ul> <p><em><a href="">Roger Patulny</a>, Professor, Academy of Geography, Sociology and International Studies, <a href="">Hong Kong Baptist University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Retiring early can be bad for the brain

<p><em><a href="">Plamen V Nikolov</a>, <a href="">Binghamton University, State University of New York</a></em></p> <p><em>The <a href="">Research Brief</a> is a short take about interesting academic work.</em></p> <h2>The big idea</h2> <p>People who retire early suffer from accelerated cognitive decline and may even encounter early onset of dementia, according to a I conducted with my doctoral student <a href="">Alan Adelman</a>.</p> <p>To establish that finding, we examined the effects of a rural pension program China introduced in 2009 that provided people who participated with a stable income if they stopped working after the official retirement age of 60. We found that people who participated in the program and retired within one or two years experienced a cognitive decline equivalent to a drop in general intelligence of 1.7% relative to the general population. This drop is equivalent to about three IQ points and could make it harder for someone to <a href="">adhere to a medication schedule</a> or <a href="">conduct financial planning</a>. The largest negative effect was in what is called “delayed recall,” which measures a person’s ability to remember something mentioned several minutes ago. Neurological research <a href="">links problems in this area to an early onset of dementia</a>.</p> <h2>Why it matters</h2> <p>Cognitive decline refers to when a person has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating or making decisions that affect their everyday life. Although some cognitive decline appears to be an inevitable byproduct of aging, faster decline can have profound adverse consequences on one’s life.</p> <p>Better understanding of the causes of this has powerful financial consequences. Cognitive skills – the mental processes of gathering and processing information to solve problems, adapt to situations and learn from experiences – are crucial for decision-making. They influence an individual’s ability to process information and <a href="">are connected to higher earnings</a> and a <a href="">better quality of life</a>.</p> <p>Retiring early and working less or not at all can generate large benefits, such as reduced stress, better diets and more sleep. But as we found, it also has unintended adverse effects, like fewer social activities and less time spent challenging the mind, that far outweighed the positives.</p> <p>While retirement schemes like the 401(k) and similar programs in other countries <a href="">are typically introduced to ensure the welfare of aging adults</a>, our research suggests they need to be designed carefully to avoid unintended and significant adverse consequences. When people consider retirement, they should weigh the benefits with the significant downsides of a sudden lack of mental activity. A good way to ameliorate these effects is to stay engaged in social activities and continue to use your brains in the same way you did when you were working.</p> <p>In short, we show that if you rest, you rust.</p> <h2>What still isn’t known</h2> <p>Because we are using data and a program in China, the mechanisms of how retirement induces cognitive decline could be context-specific and may not necessarily apply to people in other countries. For example, cultural differences or other policies that can provide support to individuals in old age can buffer some of the negative effects that we see in rural China due to the increase in social isolation and reduced mental activities.</p> <p>Therefore, we can not definitively say that the findings will extrapolate to other countries. We are looking for data from other countries’ retirement programs, such as India’s, to see if the effects are similar or how they are different.</p> <h2>How I do my research</h2> <p>A big focus of the <a href="">economics research lab</a> I run is to <a href="">better understand</a> the causes and consequences of changes in what economists call <a href="">“human capital”</a> – especially cognitive skills – in the context of developing countries.</p> <p>Our lab’s mission is to generate research to inform economic policies and empower individuals in low-income countries to rise out of poverty. One of the main ways we do this is through the use of randomized controlled trials to measure the impact of a particular intervention, such as retiring early or access to microcredit, on education outcomes, productivity and health decisions.</p> <p><a href=""><em>Plamen V Nikolov</em></a><em>, Assistant Professor of Economics, <a href="">Binghamton University, State University of New York</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Making art is a uniquely human act, and one that provides a wellspring of health benefits

<p><em><a href="">Girija Kaimal</a>, <a href="">Drexel University</a></em></p> <p>When you think about the word “art,” what comes to mind? A child’s artwork pinned to the fridge? A favorite artist whose work always inspires? Abstract art that is hard to understand?</p> <p>Each of these assumes that making art is something that other people do, such as children or “those with talent.”</p> <p>However, as I explain in my book “<a href=";lang=en&amp;cc=ca">The Expressive Instinct</a>,” art is intrinsic to human evolution and history. Just as sports or workouts exercise the body, creating art exercises the imagination and is essential to mental as well as physical well-being.</p> <p>I am a <a href=";hl=en">professor of art therapy</a> who studies how creative self-expression affects physical and emotional health. In our clinical research studies, my colleagues and I are finding that any form of creative self-expression – including drawing, painting, fiber arts, woodworking or photography – can <a href="">reduce stress</a>, improve mood and increase self-confidence.</p> <p>As a sickly child who needed to stay home from school a lot, I found that making art helped me cope. Today, creating art is my sanctuary. I use it as a sounding board to better understand myself and a way to recharge and learn from the challenges of life.</p> <h2>The uniquely human attribute of creativity</h2> <p>Although everyone has their own concept of what defines art, one thing is universally true: Creativity is a defining feature of the human species.</p> <p>How so? Well, human brains are not computers processing data. They are biological prediction machines that perceive the environment through memories and the senses, with the capacity to <a href="">use that information to imagine</a> plausible future scenarios.</p> <p>These inherent predictive and imaginative capacities are the wellspring of humanity’s abilities to survive and thrive – because self-expression is a safety valve that helps us cope with uncertainty. No one truly knows the future; they must live each day not sure of what will happen tomorrow. Art can help us all practice this imaginative muscle in a useful way.</p> <p>In our study examining brain activity while using virtual reality tools to create 3-D digital artwork, my team demonstrated that <a href="">creative expression is a natural state of being</a>. The brain naturally uses fewer cognitive resources to be expressive and creative, compared with the <a href="">brain power needed to do a rote task</a> that requires conscious effort.</p> <p>Seemingly ordinary everyday activities can provide opportunities to tap into one’s natural creativity and imagination: whipping up a meal from leftovers, figuring out an alternate route to work, dancing a little jig in response to hearing a song, or planting and tending a garden.</p> <p>We have repeatedly found in our studies that even a single session of real and honest self-expression can improve self-confidence and <a href="">reduce feelings of stress</a>, <a href="">anxiety and burnout</a>.</p> <p>This is partly because <a href="">creativity activates reward pathways</a> in the brain. Using our hands and bodies to express ourselves activates dopamine pathways and helps us feel good. Dopamine is a neural messenger that is associated with feeling a <a href="">sense of hope, accomplishment or reward</a>. Our brains are wired to secrete <a href="">feel-good hormones whenever we move</a>, create something or engage in any type of expressive activity.</p> <p>Tapping into the creative resources within is <a href="">one of the most underrated seeds of well-being</a> in the world.</p> <p>By comparison, bottling up or <a href="">denying these feelings can cause distress</a>, anxiety and fear because we have not processed and expressed them. This is probably one of the reasons why every community around the world has its own creative and expressive practices. Even our ancestors in Indigenous communities all around the world intuitively knew that <a href="">self-expression was essential</a> to emotional health and social connection.</p> <p>Being unable to share our lives, <a href="">keeping secrets</a> and feeling isolated and lonely tend <a href="">to worsen our health</a>. To our brains, social isolation feels like a chronic disease because it interprets this loneliness and inability to express as a threat to survival.</p> <p>Since creative expression can engage the senses, it can also be a body workout: a sensual as well as emotional and cognitive experience. Being active in expression – be it art, music, dance, drama, writing, culinary arts or working with nature – imparts a sense of confidence and hope that <a href=";lang=en&amp;cc=ca">challenges can be navigated and overcome</a>.</p> <h2>The role of art therapy</h2> <p>Given the integral role of art in our lives, it makes sense that making art can help people manage transitions, adversity and trauma, such as the stresses of puberty, the death of a loved one or <a href="">experiencing a serious illness</a>.</p> <p>According to a global study, 1 in 2 people will experience a <a href="">mental-health-related challenge in their lifetime</a>, whether from life’s challenges, genetic predispositions or a combination of the two.</p> <p>This is where art therapy can come in. Art therapy is <a href="">a regulated mental health profession</a> in which clinical psychotherapists with extensive clinical training offer psychotherapy to patients with diagnosed mental health needs.</p> <p>The origins of art therapy go back to <a href="">attempts to treat soldiers struggling with post-traumatic stress</a> during the 20th century’s two world wars. Today there is evidence that traumatic experiences tend to be stored as <a href="">sounds, images and physical sensations</a> in the brain. When someone <a href="">lacks the words</a> to process these experiences through traditional talk therapy, art therapy can provide an indirect way to express and externalize those feelings and memories.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=3" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><figcaption><span class="caption">The process of making art can help people process feelings that they aren’t able to put into words.</span></figcaption></figure> <p>One of art therapy’s unique strengths is that it provides nonverbal ways of communicating, processing and eventually managing the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. In fact, in a recent study, my team has found that a personal history of trauma is related to <a href="">how people react to evocative images</a>. Images of distress and pain resonate with us when we have known similar kinds of distress ourselves. This implies that our life stories make us sensitized to distress in others and even personalize it more.</p> <p>Creative self-expression is especially relevant in coping with trauma because it provides an outlet through which a person <a href="">can regain a sense of agency</a> and control.</p> <h2>How to bring creativity into daily life</h2> <p>For those new to exploring art as a creative pursuit or for well-being reasons, engaging in creative activities begins with letting go of unrealistic expectations. Being creative isn’t about becoming a famous artist or even a mediocre one. It is about allowing ourselves to flex the creative muscle that we all have and enjoying all the sensory and emotional aspects of imagining.</p> <p>Next, think about activities that made you feel free to explore when you were a child. Did you like singing, playing in the outdoors, dancing, making up pretend plays, or writing little tales? Allow yourself to indulge in any and all of these creative pursuits that made you feel relaxed and joyful.</p> <p>A <a href="">cultural tradition</a>, tinkering with electronics, making a gift for someone or simply paying attention to everyday beauty – any of these can be a creative activity. And just like any muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. Over time, you will notice yourself getting more confident and adventurous in your creative practices.</p> <p>Whatever it is, make time for this creative pursuit every week – which is possibly the hardest step of them all. If it seems “unimportant” compared with the demands of daily life, such as work or family, try thinking of it as another form of sustenance.</p> <p>Remember that creativity is just as critical to human health as <a href="">eating nutritious meals</a> or <a href="">getting exercise</a> and <a href="">good rest</a>. So as the Latin saying goes: “Plene vivere.” Live fully.</p> <p><em><a href="">Girija Kaimal</a>, Professor of Art Therapy Research, <a href="">Drexel University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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What’s the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? Less than you might think

<p><em><a href="">Bruce Watt</a>, <a href="">Bond University</a> and <a href="">Katarina Fritzon</a>, <a href="">Bond University</a></em></p> <p>Articles about badly behaved people and how to spot them are common. You don’t have to Google or scroll too much to find headlines such as <a href="">7 signs your boss is a psychopath</a> or <a href="">How to avoid the sociopath next door</a>.</p> <p>You’ll often see the terms psychopath and sociopath used somewhat interchangeably. That applies to perhaps the most famous badly behaved fictional character of all – Hannibal Lecter, the cannibal serial killer from <a href="">The Silence of the Lambs</a>.</p> <p>In the book on which the movie is based, Lecter is described as a “pure sociopath”. But in the movie, he’s described as a “pure psychopath”. Psychiatrists have diagnosed him with <a href="">something else</a> entirely.</p> <p>So what’s the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? As we’ll see, these terms have been used at different times in history, and relate to some overlapping concepts.</p> <h2>What’s a psychopath?</h2> <p>Psychopathy has been mentioned in the psychiatric literature <a href=",which%20literally%20means%20suffering%20soul.">since the 1800s</a>. But the latest edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (known colloquially as the DSM) <a href="">doesn’t list</a> it as a recognised clinical disorder.</p> <p><a href="">Since the 1950s</a>, labels have changed and terms such as “sociopathic personality disturbance” have been replaced with <a href="">antisocial personality disorder</a>, which is what we have today.</p> <p>Someone with antisocial personality disorder has a persistent disregard for the rights of others. This includes breaking the law, repeated lying, impulsive behaviour, getting into fights, disregarding safety, irresponsible behaviours, and indifference to the consequences of their actions.</p> <p>To add to the confusion, the section in the DSM on antisocial personality disorder mentions psychopathy (and sociopathy) traits. In other words, according to the DSM the traits are part of antisocial personality disorder but are not mental disorders themselves.</p> <p>US psychiatrist <a href="">Hervey Cleckley</a> provided the first formal description of psychopathy traits in his 1941 book <a href="">The Mask of Sanity</a>. He based his description on his clinical observations of nine male patients in a psychiatric hospital. He identified several key characteristics, including superficial charm, unreliability and a lack of remorse or shame.</p> <p><a href="">Canadian psychologist</a> Professor <a href="">Robert Hare</a> refined these characteristics by emphasising interpersonal, emotional and lifestyle characteristics, in addition to the antisocial behaviours listed in the DSM.</p> <p>When we draw together all these strands of evidence, we can say a psychopath manipulates others, shows superficial charm, is grandiose and is persistently deceptive. Emotional traits include a lack of emotion and empathy, indifference to the suffering of others, and not accepting responsibility for how their behaviour impacts others.</p> <p>Finally, a psychopath is easily bored, sponges off others, lacks goals, and is persistently irresponsible in their actions.</p> <h2>So how about a sociopath?</h2> <p>The term sociopath first appeared <a href=",which%20literally%20means%20suffering%20soul.">in the 1930s</a>, and was attributed to US psychologist George Partridge. He <a href="">emphasised</a> the societal consequences of behaviour that habitually violates the rights of others.</p> <p>Academics and clinicians often used the terms sociopath and psychopath interchangeably. But some <a href=",which%20literally%20means%20suffering%20soul.">preferred the term sociopath</a> because they said the public sometimes confused the word psychopath with psychosis.</p> <p>“Sociopathic personality disturbance” <a href="">was the term</a> used in the first edition of the DSM in 1952. This aligned with the <a href="">prevailing views</a> at the time that antisocial behaviours were largely the product of the <em>social</em> environment, and that behaviours were only judged as deviant if they broke <em>social</em>, legal, and/or cultural rules.</p> <p>Some of these early descriptions of sociopathy are more aligned with what we now call antisocial personality disorder. Others relate to emotional characteristics similar to Cleckley’s 1941 <a href="">definition</a> of a psychopath.</p> <p>In short, different people had different ideas about sociopathy and, even today, sociopathy is less-well defined than psychopathy. So there is no single definition of sociopathy we can give you, even today. But in general, its antisocial behaviours can be similar to ones we see with psychopathy.</p> <p>Over the decades, the term sociopathy fell out of favour. From the late 60s, psychiatrists used the term antisocial personality disorder instead.</p> <h2>Born or made?</h2> <p>Both “sociopathy” (what we now call antisocial personality disorder) and psychopathy have been associated with a wide range of developmental, biological and psychological causes.</p> <p>For example, people with psychopathic traits have <a href="">certain brain differences</a> especially <a href="">in regions</a> associated with emotions, inhibition of behaviour and problem solving. They also appear to have differences associated with their <a href="">nervous system</a>, including a <a href="">reduced heart rate</a>.</p> <p>However, sociopathy and its antisocial behaviours are a product of someone’s social environment, and tends to <a href="">run in families</a>. These behaviours has been <a href=",and%20psychopathic%20traits%20remain%20unclear">associated with</a> physical abuse and parental conflict.</p> <h2>What are the consequences?</h2> <p>Despite their fictional portrayals – such as Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs or Villanelle in the TV series <a href="">Killing Eve</a> – <a href=",extreme%20violence%20or%20serial%20killing.">not all people</a> with psychopathy or sociopathy traits are serial killers or are physically violent.</p> <p>But psychopathy <a href="">predicts</a> a wide range of harmful behaviours. In the criminal justice system, psychopathy is strongly linked with re-offending, particularly of a violent nature.</p> <p>In the general population, psychopathy is <a href="">associated with</a> drug dependence, homelessness, and other personality disorders. Some research even showed psychopathy predicted <a href="">failure to follow</a> COVID restrictions.</p> <p>But sociopathy is less established as a key risk factor in identifying people at heightened risk of harm to others. And sociopathy is not a reliable indicator of future antisocial behaviour.</p> <h2>In a nutshell</h2> <p>Neither psychopathy nor sociopathy are classed as mental disorders in formal psychiatric diagnostic manuals. They are both personality traits that relate to antisocial behaviours and are associated with certain interpersonal, emotional and lifestyle characteristics.</p> <p>Psychopathy is thought to have genetic, biological and psychological bases that places someone at greater risk of violating other people’s rights. But sociopathy is less clearly defined and its antisocial behaviours are the product of someone’s social environment.</p> <p>Of the two, psychopathy has the greatest use in identifying someone who is most likely to cause damage to others.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Bruce Watt</a>, Associate Professor in Psychology, <a href="">Bond University</a> and <a href="">Katarina Fritzon</a>, Associate Professor of Psychology, <a href="">Bond University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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The best exercises to boost your brain health after 60

<p><em><a href="">Neva Béraud-Peigné</a>, <a href="">Université Paris-Saclay</a>; <a href="">Alexandra Perrot</a>, <a href="">Université Paris-Saclay</a>, and <a href="">Pauline Maillot</a>, <a href="">Université Paris Cité</a></em></p> <p>Have you ever thought about why we have a <a href="">brain</a>? The obvious answer might be “to think”. But scientist Daniel Wolpert came up with a completely different explanation at the <a href="">2011 meeting of the <em>Society for Neuroscience</em></a>:</p> <blockquote> <p>“We have a brain for one reason and one reason only: to produce adaptable and complex movements”</p> </blockquote> <h2>Use your brain to stay efficient</h2> <p>The brain, in other words, is the orchestra conductor which orders the body’s movements. We call the faculties that allow us to interact with our environment <em>cognitive abilities</em>. These include concentrating, learning, reasoning, adapting and communicating with others. Every one of them is key in enabling us to go about our routine and help us maintain a good lifestyle.</p> <p>So, how can we best take care of our brains so that they can stay as efficient as long as possible? Contrary to popular belief, the brain does not deteriorate continuously with age. Instead, it only sees the number of its brain cells drop and connections deteriorate <a href="">from the age of 45 onwards</a> as part of a normal ageing process. But cerebral plasticity, although reduced, is present until the end of life. Each individual will build up a cognitive reserve throughout their lives.</p> <p>The more positive, rich and stimulating the lifestyle, the more powerful and effective the reserve. In other words, it’s possible to moderate the effects of age on cognition.</p> <h2>The benefits of physical activity on cognitive capacity after 60</h2> <p>In fact, much research shows indeed that physical activity improves cognitive capacity, even after the age of 60. From increased memory, better reactivity to greater planning skills, the <a href="">benefits are endless</a>.</p> <p>Despite this, few older folks engage in <a href="">physical education</a> adapted to their bodies on a regular basis. Poor motivation and access to these exercises are some of the factors don’t help.</p> <p>With that in mind, many carers might be tempted to offer older people monotonous, routine activities because of their diminishing physical, cognitive and sensory abilities. And indeed, for a long time, the range of sports on offer and research in this field revolved around the same triptych: gentle gymnastics, walking and yoga. However, you’ll reap more benefits by <a href="">combining different training methods</a>.</p> <h2>Three ingredients to train the brains of senior citizens</h2> <p>Researchers are currently attempting to crack the winning formula that would flex older people’s cognitive, as well as physical muscles. It’ll consist of three main ingredients:</p> <p><em>First ingredient: complex physical and motor stimulation of at least moderate intensity.</em></p> <p>Moderate cardio workouts not only improve cardiorespiratory health but also make the brain more <a href="">efficient</a>. Overall improved cardiofitness, in turn, allows the brain to receive more oxygen and even to generate <a href="">new neurons in the hippocampus</a>, where memory is lodged.</p> <p>It therefore makes sense for programmes designed to boost cognitive function to include cardio. But it is also <a href="">necessary to combine them with muscle-strengthening, flexibility and balance exercises to achieve greater benefits</a>. In addition, the <a href="">researchers</a> emphasise the importance of adding situations requiring complex motor skills and coordination, as these would have a significant impact on cognitive functions (e.g. memory, attention and mental flexibility), particularly in the elderly.</p> <p><em>Second ingredient: fire up those brain cells during exercises</em></p> <p>Incorporating cognitive stimulation, such as remembering information for a period of time and executing it, anticipating actions, or planning a move, is another winning strategy. When cognitive stimulation is combined with physical activity, it can produce <a href="">synergistic effects</a> and, as a result, be more effective on cognitive functions.</p> <p>_Third ingredient: group activities that lead to social interaction. _</p> <p>Working out as part of a group has been shown to help us <a href="">persevere through it</a>.</p> <p>What this winning formula could look like in practice is still being researched. At present, there are two broad types of exercises that have caught our attention that could help older people stay sharp.</p> <h2>Opting for cooperative and oppositional team sports</h2> <p>Team sports offer much more than just physical exercise sessions. What’s particularly great about them is that they don’t only challenge cardiorespiratory balance, but tap into the whole body’s physical skill-set.</p> <p>Take basketball or handball, for example: to move around the court, dribble or score, balance, coordination and flexibility are essential. Muscular strength is also required for passing, recovering the ball and moving around. These team sports can be suitable even after the age of 60, provided they are properly supervised.</p> <p>From a cognitive point of view, these activities create situations that are always new, rich and stimulating. We call this double combination of stimuli <em><a href="">simultaneous training</a></em>. A number of researchers have highlighted the importance of this cognitive involvement in team sports and encourage their practice, particularly among the elderly.</p> <p>Recent studies, such as <a href="">the one carried out in 2022</a> by French researchers, have shown that participation in team sports improves short-term visuospatial memory (which enables people, for example, to remember the location of certain objects for a limited period of time) and planning skills in the elderly.</p> <h2>Get your body moving with exergames</h2> <p>Another promising avenue are <em>exergames</em> – video games that require players to move around to play. Named after the contraction of “exercise” and “games”, they grew popular in the 2000s thanks to Nintendo’s Wii and Switch and Microsoft’s Kinect.</p> <p>Exogames have been thought out to exercise different fitness skills, such as balance, endurance, strength, and coordination, while simultaneously stimulating cognitive functions. Among older people, <a href="">several research studies</a> show that this type of training helps to improve many physical and cognitive abilities.</p> <p>In 2020, a new generation of exergames emerged, making use of interactive walls to create an even more immersive gaming experience, such as Neo Xperiences’ <em>Neo-One</em>, Sphery’s <em>ExerCube</em> and Lü’s <em>Aire interactive</em>. In these games combining real and virtual worlds, physical objects (such as balls) and digital objects coexist and interact in real time.</p> <p>A <a href="">recent study</a> compared an exergame programme assisted by an immersive wall with a walking and muscle-strengthening programme. Its results suggest that this new generation of exergames may be more effective on cognitive abilities than traditional training.</p> <p>Combining physical and cognitive exercises offers the best chance to keep one’s brain health while keeping fit. This is essential for an active and fulfilling life, whatever your age.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Neva Béraud-Peigné</a>, Doctorante en sciences du mouvement, <a href="">Université Paris-Saclay</a>; <a href="">Alexandra Perrot</a>, Maitre de conférences HDR, <a href="">Université Paris-Saclay</a>, and <a href="">Pauline Maillot</a>, Maître de conférences en STAPS, <a href="">Université Paris Cité</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Can a 10-year-old be responsible for a crime? Here’s what brain science tells us

<p><em><a href="">Susan M. Sawyer</a>, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a> and <a href="">Nandi Vijayakumar</a>, <a href=""><em>Deakin University</em></a></em></p> <p>The age a child can be arrested, charged and jailed in Australia is back in the spotlight.</p> <p>Last year, the Northern Territory became the first jurisdiction to raise the age of criminal responsibility from ten to 12. Now its new, tough-on-crime government has pledged to <a href="">return it to ten</a>. It comes after Victoria <a href="">walked back</a> its earlier commitment to raise the age to 14, settling instead on 12.</p> <p>But the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child says 14 should be the absolute <a href="">minimum</a>. It raised this age from its earlier recommendation (in 2007) of 12, citing a decade of new research into child and adolescent development.</p> <p>So what does the science say? What happens to the brain between ten and 14? And how much can those under 14 understand the consequences of their actions?</p> <h2>Who is an adolescent?</h2> <p>Our research shows adolescence is a <a href="">critical period</a> for development. It’s the time children’s experiences and explorations shape how they develop cognitive skills (including critical thinking and decision making), as well as social and emotional skills (including moral reasoning).</p> <p>Adolescence also lasts longer than we tend to think. Important brain development begins during late childhood, around eight to nine years. Intense changes then follow during early adolescence (ages ten to 14). But these changes continue well into the twenties, and full cognitive and emotional maturity is not usually reached until around age 24.</p> <p>However, everyone’s brain matures at a different rate. That means there is no definitive age we can say humans reach “adult” levels of cognitive maturity. What we do know is the period of early adolescence is critical.</p> <h2>What does puberty do to the brain?</h2> <p>Puberty is a defining feature of early adolescence. Most of us are familiar with the changes that occur to the body and reproductive systems. But the increase in puberty hormones, such as testosterone and oestrogen, also trigger changes to the brain. These hormones <a href="">increase most sharply</a> between ten and 15 years of age, although gradual changes continue into the early twenties.</p> <p>Puberty hormones change the structures in the brain which process emotions, including the amygdala (which encodes fear and stress) and ventral striatum (involved in reward and motivation).</p> <p>This makes adolescents particularly reactive to emotional rewards and threats. <a href="">Our research</a> has shown the brain’s sensitivity to emotions increases throughout early adolescence until around 14 or 15 years old.</p> <p>At the same time, changes in puberty have <a href="">been linked</a> to increased sensation seeking and impulsive behaviours during early adolescence.</p> <p>This context is crucial when we discuss the behaviour of children in the ten to 14 age range. The way their brains change during this period makes them more sensitive and responsive to emotions, and more likely to be seeking experiences that are new and intense.</p> <h2>How do adolescents make decisions?</h2> <p>The emotional context of puberty influences how younger adolescents make decisions and understand their consequences.</p> <p>Decision making relies on several basic cognitive functions, including the brain’s flexibility, memory and ability to control impulses.</p> <p>These cognitive abilities – which together help us consider the consequences of our actions – undergo some of the <a href="">steepest development</a> between ages ten and 14. By age 15, the ability to make complex decisions has usually <a href="">reached adult maturity</a>.</p> <p>But adolescents at this age remain highly susceptible to emotions. So while their brain may be equipped to make a complex decision, their ability to think through the consequences, weighing up costs and benefits, can be clouded by emotional situations.</p> <p>For example, <a href="">research has shown</a> 13-14 year-olds were more distracted from completing a task and less able to control their behaviour when they viewed images that made them feel negative emotions.</p> <p>The social world of teenagers also has a significant impact on how they make decisions – especially in early adolescence. One study found that while older adolescents (aged 15-18) are more influenced by what adults think when weighing up risk, adolescents aged 12-14 <a href="">look to other teenagers</a>.</p> <p>Experiments <a href="">have also shown</a> adolescents aged 12-15 make riskier decisions when they are with peers than by themselves. Their brain responses also suggest they experience a greater sense of reward in taking those risks <a href="">with peers</a>.</p> <h2>How do teens understand the consequences of their actions?</h2> <p>The concept of <a href="">criminal responsibility</a> is based on whether a person is able to understand their action and know whether it is wrong.</p> <p>Moral reasoning – how people think about right and wrong – depends on the ability to understand another person’s mental state and adopt their perspective. These skills are in development <a href="">across adolescence</a>.</p> <p>Research suggests it may take more effort for adolescent brains to process <a href="">“social” emotions</a> such as guilt and embarrassment, compared to adults. This is similar when they make <a href="">moral judgements</a>. This evidence suggests teenage brains may have to work harder when considering other people’s intentions and desires.</p> <p>Young adolescents have the cognitive ability to appreciate they made a bad decision, but it is more mentally demanding. And social rewards, emotions and the chance to experience something new all have a strong bearing on their decisions and actions in the moment — possibly more than whether it is right or wrong.</p> <h2>Early adolescence is critical for the brain</h2> <p>There are also a number of reasons adolescent brains may develop differently. This includes various forms of neurodisability such as acquired brain injury, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and intellectual disability, as well as exposure to trauma.</p> <p>Teenagers with neurodevelopmental disorders will likely cope differently with decision making, social pressure, impulse control and risk assessment, and face <a href="">extra difficulties</a>. Across the world, they are <a href="">disproportionately incarcerated</a>.</p> <p>In Australia, Indigenous children and adolescents are incarcerated <a href=",AIHW%202023d%3A%20Table%20S76a">in greater numbers</a> than their non-Indigenous peers.</p> <p>Each child matures differently, and some face extra challenges. But for every person, the period between ten and 14 is critical for developing the cognitive, social and emotional skills they’ll carry through the rest of their life.<img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p><em><a href="">Susan M. Sawyer</a>, Professor of Adolescent Health The University of Melbourne; Director, Royal Children's Hospital Centre for Adolescent Health, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a> and <a href="">Nandi Vijayakumar</a>, Research Fellow, School of Psychology, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>
