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Rare footage captures secluded tribe emerging from the Amazon

<p>Remarkable new footage has captured one of the world's most secluded tribes, who have been known for firing arrows at outsiders who get too close, as they emerged from the Amazon rainforest in Peru. </p> <p>The tribe were spotted near several controversial logging sites that have been making clearings throughout the forest, decimating their home lands.</p> <p>According to the Indigenous rights advocacy group Survival International, members of the Mashco Piro tribe, believed to be the biggest group of indigenous people living with no outside contact, were spotted near the Las Piedras River a few kilometres from tree-cutting projects in Southeastern section of the country.</p> <p>“This is irrefutable evidence that many Mashco Piro live in this area, which the government has not only failed to protect, but actually sold off to logging companies,” local Indigenous organisation Fenamad’s President Alfredo Vargas Pio said.</p> <p>Near the remote villages of Monte Salvado and Puerto Nuevo, the tribe emerged in search of food, with President Pio voicing concerns that violent fights could break out between loggers and the Indigenous people.</p> <p>He also added that the outside loggers could potentially bring new diseases to the area, which could wipe out the tribe.</p> <p>According to Survival International, Indigenous advocates have urged authorities to pull the certifications from the logging companies to protect the tribes. </p> <p>Logging company Canales Tahuamanu has been granted permission to log on the jungle land since 2002 with its invasive activity now sprawled out over 193 square miles, <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Washington Post</a></em> reported.</p> <p>The publication also reported that the firm also has a history of clashing with local tribes, although in the past, the firm said its workers have never reported seeing any Mashco Piro people and has complied with laws in Peru, where it is illegal to contact the tribe.</p> <p>Despite the Mashco Piro tribe’s seclusion, they have had limited contact with outsiders, with most of their rare contact resulting in violence, as they have been known for fire arrows at tourists boats and park rangers as warnings not to approach the area. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Survival International </em></p>

International Travel

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Māori tribe tells anti-vax protestors to stop using the Ka Mate haka

<p dir="ltr">Anti-vaccine protestors in New Zealand have adopted the Ka Mate haka and begun performing it at their rallies, and one Māori tribe has now told them in no uncertain terms to stop.</p> <p dir="ltr">The Ka Mate is a Māori haka composed around 1820 by Te Rauparaha, war leader of the Ngāti Toa tribe, and is the haka performed by the All Blacks at international rugby test matches. In response to it being co-opted by anti-vax protestors, the Ngāti Toa tribe has released a statement telling them they do not have the tribe’s support or permission to perform the dance.</p> <p dir="ltr">"We do not support their position and we do not want our tupuna [ancestors] or our iwi [tribe] associated with their messages. Our message to protesters who wish to use Ka Mate is to use a different haka. We do not endorse the use of Ka Mate for this purpose."</p> <p dir="ltr">New Zealand has one of the lowest COVID-19 rates in the world, but has struggled to fight off the highly infectious Delta variant this year, forcing Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to move from her previous strategy of elimination through lockdowns to living with the virus with higher vaccination rates. She has set a goal of vaccinating 90 per cent of those eligible before ending lockdowns entirely, and so far, about 81 per cent of the eligible population has received two doses of the vaccine.</p> <p dir="ltr">Anti-vaxxers and the far-right have responded negatively to newly introduced vaccine mandates, and took to the streets in several cities around New Zealand last week in protest. Protestors were seen marching through Christchurch and Wellington bearing pro-Trump flags, New Zealand flags, English flags, and signs featuring Nazi swastikas. Some protestors bore signs making reference to QAnon, while some scrawled threats onto tennis balls and lobbed them at members of the press.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr">Lots of balls thrown into the forecourt with messages. Mood of the protest has changed a bit too - lot of people up in our face saying we will get what’s coming to us etc <a href=""></a></p> — henry cooke (@henrycooke) <a href="">November 9, 2021</a></blockquote> <p dir="ltr">Following the introduction of vaccine mandates, Monday was the deadline for all education, disability, and health sector workers in New Zealand to have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image: Sanka Vidanagama/AFP via Getty Images</em></p>
