Ben Squires

International Travel

Is it safe to go back to Paris?

Is it safe to go back to Paris?

Last November Paris was rocked by a series of coordinated terror attacks that devastated that devastated France’s capital and has left tourists trepidations about returning.

We've examine whether or not these fears are warranted, and ask if it is safe for tourists, travellers and explorers to return to Paris as in the wake of these devastating events.

So is it safe?

Well the answer is it’s probably about as safe as it can be.

Border control checks have been implemented at entry points to France and while it still resides in the Schengen area, going to and from the country may not be as seamless as it has been in the past.

So yes, while there is a reason to exercise a degree of caution if you happen to be heading to that part of the world, there's no real reason to put off a trip to Paris.

Especially when you consider the following:

  • It’s the world’s most romantic city – from the spires of Notre Dame to the bridges and Palace of Fontainebleau, it’s hard to visit Paris and not get swept away
  • Amazing museums – including the Louvre, which is arguably the world’s most famous one others that might not get as much attention but are just as enthralling
  • Fascinating cemeteries – from the catacombs to Père Lachaise where you can find the grave of Jim Morrison, Edif Piaf, Chopin and many other really big names
  • Heaven for shoppers – even if you’re just a shopper of the window variety the experience you’ll have when visiting this boutiques here is life changing
  • Café culture – oh yeah, and no matter what part of the city you find yourself staying in you’ll be inches away from an amazing café that will allow you to enjoy amazing fare!

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