Claudia Byatt

International Travel

The ultimate international travel checklist

The ultimate international travel checklist

If you’re travelling overseas, there’s a lot more to consider than if you’re exploring your own country. Here’s a checklist for sensible travel. 

Check your passport

Can you imagine booking a flight only to get to the airport and realise your passport is out of date? In general, you need a valid passport for at least six months before entering a foreign country, so make sure you’re up to date and then some!

Apply for visas

If you need a visa for your destination, apply as early as possible. Have a look if there are any entry or exit fees for the country you’re going to as well. These are often worked into your ticket price, but it’s handy to know if you’ll need cash at the airport.

Manage your documents

Make copies of all important documents required for you to head overseas. Documents such as your passport, tickets, itineraries, reservations, travel insurance policies, credit cards and vaccination certificates. Store them together, so you’re prepared before you even get to the airport.

Dress for the weather

Have a look at the weather report before you leave; you could be flying to a country where the seasons are the opposite, so make sure you’re packing your clothes accordingly.

Figure out the cultural dos and don’ts

Some countries have cultural considerations you need to be aware of. You don’t want to offend the locals or come across as disrespectful or ignorant. It’s also a good idea to check out the laws in the country you’re going to as you could be more vulnerable to danger. 

It’s always best to be well-prepped before a trip, but don’t forget to have fun!

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