Travel Trouble
Nostradamus' 2025 predictions revealed

Nostradamus a 16th-century French Astrologer known as the "prophet of doom" has some wild predictions for the upcoming year.
The astrologer has been credited with foretelling the Great Fire of London, Hitler’s rise to power, the September 11 attacks, the Covid-19 pandemic, and last year’s New Year’s Day earthquake.
His predictions were published in his book “Les Prophéties” in 1555
Last year, the astrologer was credited for predicting the powerful earthquake that rocked Japan on New Year's.
A few of his other predictions for 2024 included the abdication of King Charles, war with China, a new pope, and the world getting closer to a climate apocalypse.
Now, his predictions for 2025 have been revealed with one of them being the potential end to the Ukraine conflict.
He wrote: "Through long war all the army exhausted,so that they do not find money for the soldiers; instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon."
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The astrologer predicted that financial ruin and exhausted resources could spell the end of an ongoing armed conflict, which many of his followers assumed is a reference to Russia and Ukraine.
However, he wrote that England will be beset by “cruel wars” and will face an “ancient plague” that will be “worse than enemies.”
He also wrote: "Garden of the world near the new city, In the path of the hollow mountains: It will be seized and plunged into the Tub, Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulphur."
Some believe the "garden of the world" refers to the Amazon forest, with plunging into a tub and sipping sulphur implying that there will be floods and volcanic activity.
While most of his predictions seem bleak, more often than not they miss the mark.
Image: Shutterstock