Ben Squires


7 ways to become an optimist

7 ways to become an optimist

Finding your glass half empty persona getting you down? Here are seven ways to turn it around and become an optimist.

1. Surround yourself with positive people

As the old saying goes “misery loves company” so steer clear of negative and gloomy people, who will easily (although probably unwittingly) bring you down. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, who will inspire you with happiness.

2. Notice your negativity

Make an effort to note when and why you go down the negativity pathway. What triggers it? Were those thoughts really deserved? Identifying your negativity is key to change.

3. Find the silver lining

It will be hard to do but make it your aim to find the silver lining in every situation. It might feel false at first, but keep at it. You only have to find one positive from a bad situation. Keep reminding yourself of this silver lining and it will help you reframe the problem.

4. Take control

There will always be setbacks in life – that’s unavoidable, but we can control how we deal with the situation. Once a problem presents itself, start thinking of ways to turn it around. Remember the saying: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."

5. Fake it until you make it

If you exude confidence and happiness on the outside, your mind will follow suit. So put a smile on your dial, stand up tall and speak in a positive tone to give yourself a boost.

6. Remind yourself of the positive in life

Whether you keep a gratitude journal or recite positive affirmations, set aside time each day to remind yourself of all the positive in your life. The daily habit will help you appreciate all the good in your life, especially in times you need it.

7. Practice, practice, practice

Like anything in life you need to work at it to improve. There’s a prevailing belief that optimism is an inborn trait, but that’s not true at all. People can learn to become optimist, but it will take time, effort and practise. The rewards, however, are very much worth it.

Related links:

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