
Family & Pets

Our favourite movie dance scenes of all time

Our favourite movie dance scenes of all time

If there’s one thing that makes a good movie great, it’s a flawless dance number. Whether it’s the climactic “showdance” the entire film has been leading to, an opening scene intended to delight from the start, or a mid-show dream sequence – a well-choreographed dance can elevate films into the stratosphere of memorability. So, without further ado, let’s walk you through our favourite movie dances of all time.

Five, six, seven, eight!

Singin’ in the Rain – that dance

Singin In The Rain

If there’s one name everyone associates with dancing on the silver screen, it has to be Gene Kelly. Splashing through the puddles and making it look as fun as every toddler imagines, Kelly created a true iconic scene of film.

West Side Story – opening sequence

West Side Story

The Jets and the Sharks meet, sparking fireworks and brilliant dancing. With New York City’s streets serving as their stage, the rival gangs “fight” their way through the iconic Stephen Sondheim score.

Beauty and the Beast – Beauty and the Beast

Beauty And The Beast (1)

Widely acknowledged as one of the most romantic scenes in cinematic history, this beautifully animated sequence is the moment when our heroine, Belle, and the titular Beast realise their feelings for each other. As they spin around the ballroom, our hearts never fail to swell.

Grease – the dance


Making your school discos look like amateur hour, the crew from Grease make us long for just one more go on the dance floor with our high school sweetheart. With the gorgeous 50s skirts and Travolta’s enviable moves, we can never resist tapping our foot through this scene.

Top Hat – Cheek to Cheek

Top Hat

You didn’t think we’d forgotten about the exquisite couple of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, did you? Astaire looks incredibly dapper in his white tie and tails, while Rogers is a vision in white (feathers).

Hairspray – You Can’t Stop the Beat

Hairspray (1)

A more modern addition to the list, the climactic dance number from this joyous confection of a musical (based on a Broadway musical, which was itself based on a movie) gets the entire cast in on the fun and if you’re not up and dancing by the end of the number, we’re revoking your movie-watching licence.