Ben Squires


6 trusted tips for finding love

6 trusted tips for finding love

Whether you are newly single or have been playing the dating game for a while, it can be tough to find someone that you have a real connection with.

There are some guidelines that you can follow that can help you, by simply asking yourself a few questions.

1. What are you looking for?

Do you want someone to grow old with, someone to take to a movie now and then, or something more casual? Knowing what you want and being fairly upfront about it can help you filter out the options.

2. Are you ready to show your hand?

Finding someone special means you will need to be open about who you are and be ready to invest time and effort into someone else. Are you ready for this step? If you’ve recently been hurt or are grieving it may not be the right time to search for a long term partner. 

3. Do you know your assets? 

Work out what you have to bring to the table as a partner, as this will help you know what to say if you have to describe yourself quickly (think online dating or speed dating).

4. Would you consider yourself interesting?

It can be helpful to try something new – take an art class, take a camping trip, do some volunteer work. Not only can you meet new people, it’s also nice to have something to talk about when you meet them.

5. Can you show your funny side?

Funny people tend to be liked, so it can pay to ensure you are using the right sort of humour. Too much sarcasm or negativity can turn people off, so ensure you are keeping things light and witty.

6. Would your friends be able to help?

When you’re looking for love, it can be helpful to ask your friends if they have anyone that might be suitable. They can offer a casual introduction at a social event, or set up a dinner to introduce you to some new people without too much pressure.

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