
Travel Trouble

5 car problems you’ll regret ignoring

5 car problems you’ll regret ignoring

No one wants to admit that their car needs a service because no one wants to deal with a potentially hefty bill. But ignoring your car problems is a decision you’ll soon regret. Those leaks, screeches, and dashboard notification lights each indicate an issue that can be serious, dangerous, and costly if you pretend it’s just not there. By dealing with these problems when they first rear their ugly heads, you can avoid an expensive repair necessary to keep your car running.

1. “Check engine” light

We’ve all been there: The dreaded “check engine” light just flicked on and you fear a massive bill from your mechanic is in your immediate future. We’re sorry to break the news to you, but fear isn’t a good reason to put off a trip to your mechanic. “If your ‘check engine’ light turns on, you should have your car tested as soon as possible because it’s a signal that something is wrong,” explains Tony Arevalo from carsurance.net.

He knows this is a bitter pill to swallow and that “people often postpone going to the mechanic precisely because the car is still running,” but doing so may cause major damage to your vehicle. Depending on what type of car you have, you might actually be in luck.

2. Low fuel warning light

You might think you know your car and just how long it will run on just how little fuel, but you shouldn’t test this theory—and not just because you might get stuck. Auto professionals and mechanics alike agree that you should not be driving on less than a quarter tank of fuel.

Laura Gonzalez, Marketing Manager for Volkswagen, says that this is because “the fuel pump uses petrol as not only a lubricant but also as a method to keep it cool. If you run your car to the point that it’s almost completely out of fuel, you can damage the fuel pump if it sucks in air, causing it to heat up and burn out.” That’s a repair you desperately want to avoid since it’s labour intensive and costly.

3. Alignment problems

You may think that you can course-correct your car when your tyres are pulling you to the left or right as you drive, but this is a risky prospect. First, it makes it harder for you to stay safe on the road. Second, says Cindy Price, Import Service Manager at Ricart Automotive, your tyres will suffer.

The crazy thing is, you may not even realise you have an alignment problem right away since the first sign of a problem isn’t actually your car pulling one way or the other. “What typically happens first is uneven tyre wear, and by then it is too late—you need new tyres,” Price explains. “Not checking your alignment on a regular basis can end up being very costly in the long run and result in needing new tires more frequently than normal.”

4. Chipped windscreen glass

It’s not just an aesthetic issue. “Your windscreen provides up to 30 per cent of your vehicle’s structural strength, meaning any chips or cracks can weaken your windscreen, compromising your safety in a crash or rollover situation,” says Ed Sprigler, VP of Strategic Initiatives at Safelite AutoGlass. Another reason you shouldn’t ignore chipped windscreen glass? “Windscreens host an important yet delicate camera called ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) that control some of our favourite safety features, such as blind-spot monitoring, lane assist, and auto-braking,” Sprigler explains.

5. Slow start

“When it comes to auto repair, many people believe that if you ignore a car problem, it will go away, including a slow start,” says Matt Allen, the host of Arizona’s Bumper to Bumper Radio and owner of Virginia Auto Service and Import Car Specialists in Phoenix. This is not the case… at all. So, what is a slow start, exactly, and why is it such a problem? “[A slow start is when] you go to start your car and it struggles to turn over for a minute, but then it does,” Allen explains.

“This could be a sign of a dead battery or other starter/alternator problems, and unfortunately, this problem will only continue until one day the car won’t start.” Take your car to a trusted mechanic to determine the strength of your battery.

Source: Readersdigest.ca

Written by Jeff Bogle. This article first appeared in Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s our best subscription offer.