10 questions to work out what really make you happy

Working out what makes someone happy or what constitutes a contented life is far from an exact science. What works for one person may be another’s idea of hell. What we can tell however is that gently probing questions are one way of helping guide us towards making decisions that help foster personal growth and development. Here are 10 questions to think about:
- How do you wake up – Happy and looking forward to the day or miserable and dreading work?
- Nourishment – What does your diet mainly consist of? Processed meals eaten on the run? Or wholesome, nourishing meals eaten mindfully?
- Home – What’s the vibe like at home? Safe and comfortable or chaotic sandstorm?
- Fitness – Do you have activities you enjoy that help raise your heart rate?
- Dreams – How long ago was it that you spent some time just daydreaming about the future.
- Anger and resentment – Are there grudges you need to let go of or is the slate clean?
- Companionship – Do you surround yourself with friends who support and inspire you?
- Relationship with money – Is money a source of anxiety? Or have you made peace with the role it plays in your life?
- Joy – Do you have moments in each day filled with joy? Or has it been awhile since you experienced pure emotion?
- Love – Is there passion still in your life? What are you doing to maintain and nurture it?
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