Ben Squires


10 ways to bring good vibes in your life

10 ways to bring good vibes in your life

If you are interested in bringing more good luck and happiness into your life, why not look away from the mainstream. There are many holistic ways to harness the power of the universe to try and bring you good vibes.

1. Essential oils

Our sense of smell is a powerful way to tap into positive feelings. Certain scents can lift our spirits so it pays to have oils such as lavender, lemon and rose in your life. Add a few drops to your bath, burn some in an oil burner, or even dab some on your wrists like you would perfume.

2. Yoga

It’s very easy to find a local yoga centre in most larger towns and cities. Its popularity has increased significantly in the past few years as people have enjoyed the benefits for their mind and body.

3. Crystals

Hold onto a crystal to focus your energy and purpose while you think positive thoughts.

4. Affirmations

This is a positive group of words that you can repeat out loud in order to centre yourself and focus your thoughts. It could be something as simple as ‘I am strong, confident and focused.’

5. Meditate

The ritual of meditation is a great way to calm a busy mind and focus your attention on your body. It’s a great way to recharge your mind and can be done anywhere – in bed, in the car, or just on the sofa.

6. Self-help

Be proactive in reading about ways to improve your life, whether it’s positive thinking or a guide to yoga. Visit the library or the book store and see what jumps out at you.

7. Astrology

It might just be a bit of fun, but reading your horoscope or finding out more about the phases of the moon can put you more in touch with your spirituality.

8. Natural healing

There are many other ways to heal your body besides visiting the GP. Try acupuncture, massage or visit a naturopath to find the answers you seek.

9. Feng shui

It can be very refreshing to move your furniture around and find a new look. Why not look up a few tips for feng shui to see if you can give your lounge or bedroom a more positive vibe?

10. Spiritual thoughts

It’s OK to admit that you believe in reincarnation, fate or guardian angels. Anything that helps you feel better about things that worry you (death, loneliness, grief) is beneficial.

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